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Edukacja w Autonomii Palestyńskiej: Nie ma miejsca na rozwiązanie w postaci dwóch państw
Obecna wojna na Bliskim Wschodzie często skłania decydentów na Zachodzie do myślenia o rozwiązaniu w postaci dwóch państw jako panaceum na pokój.
Jednak teksty Autonomii Palestyńskiej zawierają trzy podstawowe założenia, które przeczą jakiejkolwiek możliwości pokoju:
1. Delegitymizacja...
Palestinian Authority education: No room for a two-state solution
The current war in the Middle East often leads policymakers to think of a two-state solution as a panacea for peace.
However, Palestinian Authority texts feature three fundamentals which belie any possibility of peace:
1. Delegitimization of...
Israel, Jews and Peace in Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides Used in UNRWA Schools in...
Dr. Arnon Groiss
(March 2024)
UNRWA Mandate to Relocate Palestinians outside of Judea, Samaria and Gaza Under the...
By: David Bedein
Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss
The US State Department has denounced a proposal that Arabs dislocated from Gaza be settled elsewhere:
However, what the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA teach in their schools in Judea, Samaria, Gaza is that Arabs...
UNRWA’s Education Fuels Hatred: A Lethal Threat To Israel’s Existence
On September 27, 2023, less than two weeks before all hell broke loose in Israel, three officials from the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs met with four researchers who have spent their careers studying...
The Two-State Solution in the Palestinian Authority’s Schoolbooks
By : David Bedein
Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss
(November 2023)
US President Biden has stated clearly that he expects a two state solution to emerge from the aftermath of the Israel-Hamas war.
To understand the implications of a...
Implement DeNazification on the Road to Peace
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2023
For Publication: Implement DeNazification on the Road to Peace
Last week, three government officials from the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs met with four researchers who have spent their careers studying different aspects of the strategic threat...
As we approach Yom Kippur, I express appreciation for the support we have received...
David Bedein
Dear Friends, As we approach Yom Kippur, I express appreciation for the support we have received to expose the lethal policies of UNRWA (United Nations Relief & Works Agency) and to offer a...
Discussions with delegates at the special session of the UNRWA donors conference at the...
The Sept. 21 2023 session of the UNRWA Donors Conference coincided with the burial of six young people killed by a molotov cocktail that exploded in their hands, as they rushed the Gaza fence......
Dear Friends, As we approach Yom Kippur, I express appreciation for the support…
As we approach Yom Kippur, I express appreciation for the support we have received to expose the lethal policies of UNRWA (United Nations Relief & Works Agency) and to offer a positive approach for...