Why terrorists from Yemen are trying to bomb synagogues in Chicago?

Friday afternoon, international authorities announced that they intercepted two explosive devices originating in Yemen and destined for two synagogues in Chicago. The discovery of the packages containing the bombs-the first one in England...

The Seven Noahide Laws

Remind those who judge Israel that they are also being judged: In the Talmud “Sanhedrin” (98.b), Abaye asked Rabbah, “Why do you not want to see the Messiah’s arrival?” “Is it because you fear the travail...

News Analysis

A recent column, "Just Knock It off," by Tom Friedman, writing in the NY Times. refers to Israel as a "spoiled child" for not acceding to Obama's demands for a continuation of the freeze. Israel,...

Flying Planes into Gaza?

Paul Larudee, senior activist of the pro-Hamas movements Free Palestine (FPM) Free Gaza (FGM) and International Solidarity (ISM), told the Iranian PressTV that plans were being made to send a plane to the Gaza...


In the 1970s, a huge quantity of oil was found in Norway. Norway was then an unsophisticated fishing country with a fairly modest economy. A number of courageous Norwegian MPs looked out for the general...


While efforts to renew the negotiations between Israel and Palestinians are still under way, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is already preparing himself for the day after the failure of those talks. Lieberman has instructed the...

Are Settlements Really the Major Obstacle to Peace?

For nearly two decades, the Palestinian Authority conducted peace talks with Israel while construction in the Jewish settlements was continuing. Every now and then the Palestinian leadership would complain about the construction, but it never made a...

Leaders of Judea and Samaria are warning of a “silent, de facto building freeze.”

Naftali Bennet, director-general of the Yesha Council, has reported that "The cities of Judea and Samaria are effectively frozen. The government has promised to stop the freeze, yet it is continuing it." There are 4,321...

Fact-Free Middle East Negotiations?

The dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Authority with regard to the freezing of Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank) is predicated on the assumption that Israel's border is the...

Foreign Agent Registration’ Law Passes Vote,

The Knesset approved in the first reading Wednesday an Israeli version of the “Foreign Agent Registration Act” that requires non-governmental organizations to declare any money that they receive from foreign state entities. Ultra-leftist groups...