Disengagement Plan – General Outline (18/04/2004)

1. General

Israel is committed to the peace process and aspires to reach an agreed resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principle of two states for two peoples, the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and a Palestinian state for the Palestinian people, as part of the implementation of President Bush’s vision.

Israel is concerned to advance and improve the current situation. Israel has come to the conclusion that there is currently no reliable Palestinian partner with which it can make progress in a bilateral peace process. (IN OTHER WORDS, THE PLO REMAINS AT WAR WITH ISRAEL. IF THAT IS THE CONCLUSION FROM THE OUTSET, EVERYTHING SHOULD FOLLOW FROM THAT STATEMENT)

Accordingly, it has developed a plan of unilateral disengagement, 9IN OTHER WORDS, RETREAT IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY) based on the following considerations:

i. The stalemate dictated by the current situation is harmful. In order to break out of this stalemate, Israel is required to initiate moves not dependent on Palestinian cooperation. (NOT DEPENDENT? THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT DEMONSTRATES DEPENDENCY)

ii. The plan will lead to a better security situation, at least in the long term. (PROPHECY WAS NULLIFIED AFTER THE SECOND TEMPLE’S DESTRUCTION)

iii. The assumption that, in any future permanent status arrangement, there will be no Israeli towns and villages in the Gaza Strip. (“NO JEWS” IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT?)

On the other hand, it is clear that in the West Bank, there are areas which will be part of the State of Israel, including cities, towns and villages, security areas and installations, and other places of special interest to Israel. (WHO DEFINES THESE PLACES OF SPECIAL INTEREST?)

iv. The relocation from the Gaza Strip and from Northern Samaria (as delineated on Map) will reduce friction with the Palestinian population, and carries with it the potential for improvement in the Palestinian economy and living conditions. (WHY ARE THE 21 KATIF FARMING COMMUNITIES THE CAUSE OF FRICTION? (WHY ARE FOUR ISOLATED COMMUNITIES IN SAMARIA THE SOURCE OF FRICTION?)

v. The hope is that the Palestinians will take advantage of the opportunity created by the disengagement in order to break out of the cycle of violence and to reengage in a process of dialogue. (AND IF THEY DO NOT? DIDN’T THIS TEXT SAY FROM THE OUTSET THAT THERE IS NO COOPERATION WITH THE PLO?)

vi. The process of disengagement will serve to dispel claims regarding Israel’s responsibility for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. (WHY? THE RAISON D’ETRE OF THE UNRWA CAMPS IS THAT ISRAEL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REFUGEES FROM 1948 WHO CLAIM LAND IN ISRAEL)

vii. The process of disengagement is without prejudice to the Israeli-Palestinian agreements. Relevant arrangements shall continue to apply. (WHAT AGREEMENTS? NONE WERE KEPT BY THE PLO)

When (WHY NOT IF? PROPHECY AGAIN?) there is evidence from the Palestinian side of its willingness, capability and implementation in practice of the fight against terrorism and the institution of reform as required by the Road Map, it will be possible to return to the track of negotiation and dialogue. (EVIDENCE? WHEN THE PLO CONTINUES TO RULE?)

2. Main elements

i. Gaza Strip:

1) Israel will evacuate the Gaza Strip, including all existing Israeli towns and villages, and will redeploy outside the Strip. (WHY?) This will not include military deployment in the area of the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt (“the Philadelphi Route”) as detailed below.

2) Upon completion of this process, there shall no longer be any permanent presence of Israeli security forces or Israeli civilians in the areas of Gaza Strip territory which have been evacuated. (IN OTHER WORDS, NO JEWS FOR THE SAKE OF NO JEWS)


ii. West Bank:

1) Israel will evacuate an Area in the Northern Samaria Area (see Map), including 4 villages and all military installations, and will redeploy outside the vacated area. (IN OTHER WORDS, HAND OVER VILLAGES AND MILITARY INSTALLATIONS TO THE PLO)

2) Upon completion of this process, there shall no longer be any permanent presence of Israeli security forces or Israeli civilians in the Northern Samaria Area. (TO BE REPLACED BY PLO MISSILES?)

3) The move will enable territorial contiguity for Palestinians in the Northern Samaria Area. (JUST GREAT – THEY CAN THEN COORDINATE MILITARY ACTIVITIES EVEN BETTER)

4) Israel will improve the transportation infrastructure in the West Bank in order to facilitate the contiguity of Palestinian transportation. (TO ENABLE THE PLO TO BE MORE MOBILE IN THEIR ABILITY IN THEIR WAR WITH ISRAEL)

5) The process will facilitate Palestinian economic and commercial activity in the West Bank. (NARCOTICS,ARMS, CARS, OTHER STOLEN GOODS)

6) The Security fence: Israel will continue to build the security fence, in accordance with the relevant decisions of the government. The route will take into account humanitarian considerations. (DOES ‘HUMANITARIAN’ MEAN THAT THE PLO WILL HAVE A VETO?)

3. Security situation following the disengagement

i. The Gaza Strip:

1) Israel will guard and monitor the external land perimeter of the Gaza Strip, will continue to maintain exclusive authority in Gaza air space, and will continue to exercise security activity in the sea off the coast of the Gaza Strip. (WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHT TO PURSUE PLO TERRORISTS?

2) The Gaza Strip shall be demilitarized and shall be devoid of weaponry, the presence of which does not accord with the Israeli-Palestinian agreements. (WHO IS GOING TO DISARM THE PLO?)

3) Israel reserves its inherent right of self defense, both preventive and reactive, including where necessary the use of force, in respect of threats emanating from the Gaza Strip. (HARDLY A LICENSE FOR ISRAEL TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO DEFEAT AN ENEMY AT WAR WITH ISRAEL)

ii. The West Bank:

1) Upon completion of the evacuation of the Northern Samaria Area, no permanent Israeli military presence will remain in this area. (WHILE THE PLO ARMED FORCES WILL REPLACE THEM?)

2) Israel reserves its inherent right of self defense, both preventive and reactive, including where necessary the use of force, in respect of threats emanating from the Northern Samaria Area. (WITH F-16’S?)

3) In other areas of the West Bank, current security activity will continue. However, as circumstances permit, Israel will consider reducing such activity in Palestinian cities. (WAIT A SECOND. ISRAEL MOVES OUT ITS FORCES AND WILL AT THE SAME TIME MAINTAIN ITS CURRENT SECURITY ACTIVITY? EXCUSE ME. HAVE WE MISSED SOMETHING HERE?)

4) Israel will work to reduce the number of internal checkpoints throughout the West Bank. (WHY? SO AS TO FACILITATE THE MORE EFFICIENT MOVEMENT OF ARMS, AMMUNITION AND KILLERS?)

4. Military Installations and Infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria

In general, these will be dismantled and removed, with the exception of those which Israel decides to leave and transfer to another party. (TO ANOTHER PARTY? LIKE WHO? THE PLO?)

5. Security assistance to the Palestinians

Israel agrees that by coordination with it, advice, assistance and training will be provided to the Palestinian security forces for the implementation of their obligations to combat terrorism and maintain public order, by American, British, Egyptian, Jordanian or other experts, as agreed with Israel. (PREVIOUS SECURITY ASSISTANCE TO THE PLO WAS ABUSED TO TRAIN THE PLO TO MURDER JEWS) No foreign security presence may enter the Gaza Strip or the West Bank without being coordinated with and approved by Israel. (WAIT A SECOND!! THE PLO WAS TRAINED TO COMBAT TERROR IN 1993 AND 1994 AND USED THAT CAPABILITY AGAINST ISRAEL. WHY WILL THAT NOT CHANGE?)

6. The border area between the Gaza Strip and Egypt (Philadelphi Route)

Initially, Israel will continue to maintain a military presence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt (Philadelphi route). (WHY- “INITIALLY”? IS THE SITUATION EXPECTED TO CHANGE? This presence is an essential security requirement. At certain locations security considerations may require some widening of the area in which the military activity is conducted. (OF COURSE. AND WHO WOULD ALLOW THAT?)

Subsequently, the evacuation of this area will be considered. (SUBSEQUENT TO WHAT? THE PLO BECOMING A LADIES AUXILIARY ASSOCIATION?) Evacuation of the area will be dependent, inter alia, on the security situation and the extent of cooperation with Egypt in establishing a reliable alternative arrangement. (RELIABLE? YOU MUST BE KIDDING?)

If and when conditions permit the evacuation of this area, Israel will be willing to consider the possibility of the establishment of a seaport and airport in the Gaza Strip, in accordance with arrangements to be agreed with Israel. (ALLOWING A SEAPORT AND AIRPORT TO AN ENTITY AT WAR WITH THE STATE OF ISRAEL? DIDN’T ISRAEL TRY THAT ALREADY?)

7. Israeli towns and villages

Israel will strive to leave the immovable property relating to Israeli towns and villages intact. (AND GIVE THE SOVEREIGN PRIVATE PROPERTY TO A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION?)

The transfer of Israeli economic activity to Palestinians carries with it the potential for a significant improvement in the Palestinian economy. (ARE YOU KIDDING? THE LEADERSHIP OF THE PLO WOULD TAKE THE PROPERTY FOR THEMSELVES.)

Israel proposes that an international body be established (along the lines of the AHLC), with the agreement of the United States and Israel, which shall take possession from Israel of property which remains, and which will estimate the value of all such assets. (TO CONFISCATE THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF JEWS!)

Israel reserves the right to request that the economic value of the assets left in the evacuated areas be taken into consideration. (TO REQUEST? ISN’T THAT NICE?WITH NO OBLIGATIONS OF ANYONE TO ADHERE TO THAT REQUEST)

8. Civil Infrastructure and Arrangements

Infrastructure relating to water, electricity, sewage and telecommunications serving the Palestinians will remain in place. (IN OTHER WORDS, THERE IS NO “DISENGAGEMENT”. ISRAEL MAINTAINS CONTROL OVER GAZA.) Israel will strive to leave in place the infrastructure relating to water, electricity and sewage currently serving the Israeli towns and villages. In general, Israel will enable the continued supply of electricity, water, gas and petrol to the Palestinians, in accordance with current arrangements. Other existing arrangements, such as those relating to water and the electro-magnetic sphere shall remain in force.

9. Activity of International Organizations

Israel recognizes the great importance of the continued activity of international humanitarian organizations assisting the Palestinian population. (EVEN THOUGH STAFFERS OF THESE INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS ARE DOMINATED BY THE PLO AND HAMAS) Israel will coordinate with these organizations arrangements to facilitate this activity. (HOW NICE)

10. Economic arrangements

In general, the economic arrangements currently in operation between Israel and the Palestinians shall, in the meantime, remain in force. AGAIN, NO “DISENGAGEMENT”.

These arrangements include, inter alia:

i. the entry of workers into Israel in accordance with the existing criteria.

ii. the entry and exit of goods between the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Israel and abroad.

iii. the monetary regime.

iv. tax and customs envelope arrangements.

v. postal and telecommunications arrangements.

In the longer term, and in line with Israel’s interest in encouraging greater Palestinian economic independence, Israel expects to reduce the number of Palestinian workers entering Israel. Israel supports the development of sources of employment in the Gaza Strip and in Palestinian areas of the West Bank.

11. Erez Industrial Zone

The Erez industrial zone, situated in the Gaza Strip, employs some 4,000 Palestinian workers. The continued operation of the zone is primarily a clear Palestinian interest. Israel will consider the continued operation of the zone on the current basis, on two conditions:

i. The existence of appropriate security arrangements. (WHO DEFINES “APPROPRIATE ARRANGEMENTS”?)

ii. The express recognition of the international community that the continued operation of the zone on the current basis shall not be considered continued Israel control of the area.

Alternatively, the industrial zone shall be transferred to the responsibility of an agreed Palestinian or international entity. (OH. ANOTHER TERRORIST ENCLAVE?)

Israel will seek to examine, together with Egypt, the possibility of establishing a joint industrial area in the area between the Gaza Strip, Egypt and Israel. (WHILE EGYPT FACILITATES MORE WEAPONS TUNNELS. ?)

12. International passages

i. The international passage between the Gaza Strip and Egypt

1) The existing arrangements shall continue. (WITH WEAPONS TUNNELS?)

2) Israel is interested in moving the passage to the “three borders” area, approximately two kilometers south of its current location. This would need to be effected in coordination with Egypt. This move would enable the hours of operation of the passage to be extended.

b. The international passages between the West Bank and Jordan:

The existing arrangements shall continue.

13. Erez Crossing Point

The Israeli part of Erez crossing point will be moved to a location within Israel in a time frame to be determined separately.

14. Timetable

The process of evacuation is planned to be completed by the end of 2005. The stages of evacuation and the detailed timetable will be notified to the United States.

15. Conclusion

Israel looks to the international community for widespread support for the disengagement plan. (WHY NOT? THE WORLD LOVES TO SEE ISRAEL RETREAT) AREAS This support is essential in order to bring the Palestinians to implement in practice their obligations to combat terrorism and effect reforms, thus enabling the parties to return to the path of negotiation. (AND IF THEY DO NOT? WHAT SANCTIONS? IS THIS NOT WORSE THAN THE OSLO ACCORDS)

U.S. obligations as part of the disengagement plan

1. On April 14, 2004, the United States, through a presidential letter, made the following commitments:

– Preserving the Government’s fundamental principle, according to which no political process with the Palestinians will take place before the dismantling of terror organizations, (WHAT IS A TERROR ORGANIZATION, ACCORDING THE THE US? SINCE THE US ONLY DEFINES HAMAS AND ISLAMIC JIHAD AS TERRORISTS, EVERYONE ELSE WILL NOT BE TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS), as requested by the roadmap.

– American commitment that no political pressure will be exerted on Israel to adopt any political plan, other than the roadmap, (THE ROADMAP IS BAD ENOUGH) and that there will be no political negotiations with the Palestinians as long as they do not fulfill their commitments under the roadmap (full cessation of terror, violence and incitement; dismantling terror organizations; leadership change and carrying out comprehensive reforms in the Palestinian Authority (NO MENTION OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND THE MEDIA – THE PRIME PROMOTERS OF INCITEMENT).

– Unequivocal American recognition of Israel’s right to secure and recognized borders, including defensible borders.

– American recognition of Israel’s right to defend itself, by itself, anywhere, and preserve its deterrence power against any threat.

– American recognition in Israel’s right to defend itself against terror activities and terror organizations wherever they may be, including in areas from which Israel has withdrawn. (BUSH AND POWELL DENY THIS)

– Unequivocal American stand regarding the refugees, according to which there will be no return of refugees to Israel. (THEN WHY IS THE US FINANCING PA SCHOOLS AND UNRWA WHICH ENCOURAGE THE RIGHT OF RETURN?)

– American stand that there will be no return to the 1967 borders, for two primary considerations: major Israeli population centers and the implementation of the term defensible borders. (WHAT DOES “MAJOR”MEAN?)

– American stand, according to which the major Israeli population centers will be part of Israel, in any event. AGAIN, (WHAT IS “MAJOR”) All the remaining areas in Judea & Samaria will be open for negotiation. (IN OTHER WORDS, YOU CAN MAINTAIN A CITY IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA AND NOT THE ROADS)

– The United States sets clear conditions for the establishment of a future Palestinian state and declares that the Palestinian state will not be created as long as the terror organizations have not been dismantled, as long as the leadership has not been replaced and no comprehensive reforms have been completed in the Palestinian Authority.(AND WHO DEFINES TERROR ORGANIZATIONS AND WHO DECIDES WHAT IS A REFORM?)

2. President Bush’s letter to the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister’s letter to President Bush constitute part of the overall disengagement plan, and these understandings with the United States will only be valid if the disengagement plan is approved by Israel. The exchange of letters between President Bush and the Prime Minister, as well as the letter by the Chief of the Prime Minister’s Bureau to the U.S. National Security Adviser, are attached to this plan as an integral part of it.

3. According to the roadmap adopted by the Government of Israel, Israel has undertaken a number of commitments regarding the dismantling of unauthorized (UNAUTHORIZED BY WHOM? US AMBASSADOR DAN KURTZER?) outposts, limitations on settlement growth (REQUIRED BIRTH CONTROL?), etc. In the framework of the negotiations with the Americans, all of Israel’s past commitments on these issues vis-×Â-vis the American administration, have been included in the letter by the Chief of the Prime Minister’s Bureau to the U.S. National Security Adviser. (THAT SAME ‘CHIEF’ WHO UNTIL RECENTLY WAS THE LAWYER FOR THE PLO FINANCIAL INTERESTS AND THE PLO CASINOS)

CONCLUSION: A Program of Ethnic Cleansing and Recklessness