Never again?

Launching new UNRWA Investigation Film Studio, to produce movies shot on location to document the UNRWA culture which indoctrinates violence against Jews

Sponsor new UNRWA expose:

The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research has dispatched Gaza -accredited TV crews to film UNRWA youngsters at "munitions summer camps for kids" where they are instructed to fire weapons & missiles during...

On Palestinian Aid and Accountability

The decision to resume American aid to the Palestinians is a classic example of cart-before-the-horse thinking that has existed in one form or another for the past seven decades. Upwards of $235 million dollars...

As Netanyahu Attempts to Form Coalition, Israel Battles Biden Decision to Re-Fund UNRWA

For the fourth time in two years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to form a majority, coalition government. But even if he succeeds, Netanyahu will face other challenges from outside, including President...

The U.S UNRWA Anti Incitement Accord: What Happened?

Presented by experts of the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research Aug 31, 2021 01:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Click here to register

UNRWA’s Jihad against Israel (Part Two)

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East or “UNRWA was nurtured from its beginnings to avoid any permanent solution to the plight of the refugees” from Israel’s 1948...

Day 4: Iron Swords War

One of Israel's treasures is Doron Almog, who is decorated with many crowns. He is a recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement, a former major general in the Israel Defense Forces reserves,...

David Bedein critiques “A bold, common sense UN move for the Trump administration”

This article, published at in a publication on Capitol Hill in DC, advances the logical idea that the US should lead to way to "fold UNRWA into UNHCR". After all, UNRWA leaves five million people...

UNRWA Under Scrutiny – OpEd

At around the time the State of Israel came into being, something over half the non-Jewish population of what used to be called “Palestine”, some 750,000 people, left their homes – some on advice,...