World Shrugs as Hizballah Prepares Massive Civilian Deaths

Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently warned Israel that his Iran-backed terror group could attack targets producing mass Israeli casualties, including a huge ammonia storage tank in Haifa, and a nuclear reactor in Dimona. Also last...

[Heavy cost of Israeli “quiet for quiet”] Lebanese President Aoun’s Public Embrace of Hezbollah

"When it grew to be a large-scale military force with permanent infrastructure and an organized command and control structure, it became Israel's most significant military threat in the area, thus leading to the paradoxical strategic inflection point:...

Why the Palestinians are Winning the Media War: An Interview with David Bedein in...

David Bedein has run the Jerusalem-based Israel Resource News Agency, which provides news services for the foreign media, since 1987. He has also worked on special assignment for BBC, CNN Radio, the Los...

When Israel is forced to fire at missiles embedded in schools, clinics in South...

Israeli reconnaissance has documented thousands of missiles that have been planted & ready to fire from the cover of schools & medical clinics, strategically planted throughout Southern Lebanon. If and when Israel fires back at...

Iran’s project will reshape Lebanon

Recently, the former minister Wiam Wahab, in an interview on television, said something to the effect that he was saddened by the vacuum in the Lebanese presidency. He was saddened becauseLebanon might never have...

The Only Refugees in the World Denied the Right of Resettlement The news that hundreds of Palestinians from Gaza drowned last week when the boats in which they were trying to reach Europe sank once again highlights the hypocrisy of the world’s attitude toward the...

Efraim Inbar: The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean THE BEGIN-SADAT CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY Mideast Security and Policy Studies No. 109 The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean Efraim Inbar EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For centuries, the Mediterranean Sea was the main arena for international interactions,...

Israel faces a wave of Arab refugees Israeli analysts have warned that the Jewish state could be flooded by refugees from neighboring Jordan and Syria. They said the expansion of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant threatens to spark an exodus of hundreds...

Hamas Policy after Operation “Protective Edge” Vol. 14, No. 29    September 18, 2014 Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal recently revealed Hamas’ unfolding strategy in the wake of the Gaza war, particularly the use of the international system as an economic safety net...

The Surreal ‘Reconstruction’ of Gaza Much of what goes on in the world these days has a surreal quality.  But here’s a case that is emblematic of a host of situations: On Monday, the United Nations pulled back hundreds of...