Iran Launches Hizbullah network in Syria

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reports that the Teheran regime approved and facilitated the establishment of a Hizbullah force in Syria. In a report, the center said Hizbullah, representing Iranian interests, would operate...

Fatah Leaders: Abbas Is A Dictator Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has finally made peace with Hamas. But will he able to extinguish the fire that has erupted in his own backyard? Earlier this week, Abbas decided to expel five "unruly"...

Mohammed Assaf – UNRWA Goodwill & Peace Ambassador Sings For Terror

Mohammed Assaf, the 24 year old UNRWA resident who won the Arab Idol song competition has become an overnight and worldwide sensation. His victory song was entitled “Raise Your Keffiyah” a PLO anthem and...

How UNRWA Perpetuates the Palestinian Crisis (REVIEW) UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, was created in 1949 after the Arabs rejected the 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine, and five Arab armies...

May 15: Nakba or defeat? A few weeks ago, many people in the Arab world heard a name, Joshua Teitelbaum, an Israeli senior fellow at the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Goldman visiting associate professor at...

Amnesty Researcher Admits That Palestinian ‘Eyewitnesses’ Often Lie Donatella Rovera, an Amnesty field investigator, wrote an interesting article about the challenges of fact finding in war situations. One of her main points is that eyewitnesses are often unreliable. For example: In Gaza, Lebanon, Libya,...

Missiles issue addressed

Question:From: Dr. Aaron Lerner Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:07 PMTo: Crispian Balmer. Reuters Bureau Chief, Israel and Palestinian TerritoriesSubject: Has Hamas been asked about disposition of missiles after unification ?Greetings I saw your interview...

UNRWA: Blurring the Lines between Humanitarianism and Politics The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has become one of the largest UN programs, with over 30,000 personnel operating in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the...

Israel Braces For Palestinian Attacks

Israel's military has been bracing for a Palestinian insurgency campaign. The Israeli military has intensified exercises and other operations to help prevent the outbreak of a Palestinian revolt in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The Israel...

Abbas’ fictional state Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has heard about the latest videotape by al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri, in which Zawahri calls Abbas a "traitor who is selling out Palestine," and has gotten cold feet. But even...