NGOs in the Lebanon War – Update 3: August 7, 2006

NGOs in the Lebanon War - Update 3: August 7, 2006 NGO Monitor Institute for Contemporary Affairs founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Covering July 12 through August 6 See Archive of Lebanon...

Israel in Lebanon: Not Deciding is Also a Decision

Most wartime leaders look for "an exit strategy," but in the case of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, many Israelis are wondering if there is an "entry strategy." Indeed, in a striking statement that surprised...

Human Rights Council Session on Lebanon Violates Charter

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Media Relations Tel: +41-79-332-8106 Geneva, August 8, 2006 - UN Watch expressed grave concern over today's move by Arab and Islamic countries to urgently convene the UN's top human rights body regarding...

“Who will win the war, will Israel be able to win”?

An Outline of what the BESA speakers had to say: Mordechai Keidar- BESA: The conflict began 1350 years ago when Islam was sub-divided into Sunni and Shi'a. Hezbollah is part of the Shi'a sect. The name...

IDF in Southern Lebanon Israel is prohibited from flying over Lebanon?

========== For Immediate Release Office of the White House Press Secretary August 7, 2006 Crawford, Texas 8:59 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Since the crisis in Lebanon began more than three weeks ago, the United...

‘No Cease-Fire’ Until Hezbollah Disarmed

Israel will not agree to a cease-fire in Lebanon until Hezbollah is completely disarmed and no longer can operate as a militia force, top Israeli officials said today. Their statements upped the ante in the...

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley – Graciously Allowing Israel to Defend...

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley Crawford Middle School Crawford, Texas 9:00 A.M. CDT MR. HADLEY: Good morning. I'd be glad to answer any questions you folks have. Q Steve, how are you going...

What is a War Crime?

So what exactly is our story with the bombs and civilians injuries? Are we the most evil element in the world, as the Evil and Stupidity Front claims, from Professor Noam Chomsky and Jose...

Full text of UNSC draft resolution on Mideast cease-fire

========================== Full text of UNSC draft resolution on Mideast cease-fire Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST August 5, 2006 Text of draft Security Council resolution to end fighting between Israel and Hezbollah: The Security Council, PP1. Recalling all...

Hizbullah Rockets Approach Tel Aviv With Iranian Assistance

On August 3rd, the authoritative Middle East News Line confirmed that Iran acknowledged the supply of long-range missiles to Hizbullah. A senior Iranian official, Hujjat Mokhtashemi-Pour, said Hizbullah has obtained the Zelzal-2, which he...