Was Israel Justified in Going after Hamas Terrorist Tunnels?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4629/hamas-terrorist-tunnels The key question-both legally and morally-in evaluating Israel's recent military actions is whether the Israeli government was justified in ordering ground troops into Gaza to destroy the Hamas tunnels. This question is important because...

How Hillary Clinton Enabled Hamas’ Construction of Terror Tunnels

http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/08/17/how-hillary-clinton-enabled-hamas-construction-of-terror-tunnels/ Much has been said and written about the terror tunnels that Hamas built in Gaza. But too little has been said about who it was that put the cement into Hamas’ hands, thus making...

The Gaza War: Appearance vs. Reality

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4624/gaza-war-reality Why is Hamas putting its weapons in the middle of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in the first place? Palestinian violence has been persistent in violating all rules of engagement, despite the signed Oslo II...

Israeli Ambassador Visits ‘Israel Free’ British City

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/184179 George Galloway - Reuters Israel’s ambassador to Britain, Daniel Taub, visited the city of Bradford on Monday, following controversial comments by Bradford West MP George Galloway who declared the constituency an "Israel free zone" during...

U.S. Deemed Conduit For Hamas Funds

Hamas was said to have employed the U.S. banking system for finances and donations. A trial in U.S. court heard allegations that the Arab Bank funneled millions of dollars through the American banking system and...

Peter Himmelman’s new music video takes on Israel-Gaza conflict

http://www.jewishjournal.com/the_ticket/item/peter_himmelmans_new_music_video_takes_on_israel_gaza_conflict In Peter Himmelman’s new music video of his song “Maximum Restraint,” the folk-rocker combines searing images of the conflict in Gaza with lyrics staunchly supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas terrorism. The angry,...

Howard Grief – EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance

A 15 minute film about a new perspective for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians based on the discovery of the formerly classified minutes from the San Remo peace conference of April, 1920....

Jordanian Sheikh: “There is no ‘Palestine’ in the Koran. Allah gave Israel to the...

http://www.jewsnews.co.il/2014/08/15/jordanian-sheikh-there-is-no-palestine-in-the-koran-allah-gave-israel-to-the-jews/ Sheikh Ahmad Adwan, who introduces himself as a Muslim scholar who lives in Jordan, said on his personal Facebook page that there is no such thing as “Palestine” in the Koran. Allah has assigned...

Video of UNRWA Camps Showing Children Calling for Jihad Attracts Renewed Attention

A video of summer camps run by UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is making the rounds on pro-Israel social media networks again with footage...

UNRWA is a millstone around Gaza’s neck

Ever since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, the economy there has been based on two main "export" industries: humanitarian aid and providing terrorism services. In order to continue financing its activity, Hamas needs...