Obama’s foreign policy is a mess, says the New York Times

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2014/03/17/obamas-foreign-policy-is-a-mess-says-the-new-york-times President Obama (R) meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (L) in the White House on Monday. (EPA/ALEX WONG / AFP) Despite replete evidence of the mendacity of our foes and the recalcitrance of the Palestinian...

Syrian refugee crisis brings Israelis and Arabs together in Miami Beach

http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/03/10/3986466/syrian-refugee-crisis-brings-israelis.html Alan Gill, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, speaks about “The Syrian Refugee Crisis," part of the Jewish Funders Network Annual Conference, held at the Eden Roc, Monday, March 10, 2014. WALTER MICHOT / MIAMI...

The Malaysian plane, Iran and global jihad

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4498819,00.html HONG KONG - In July 2004, several days before they were set to conclude their work, members of the national commission of inquiry into the 9/11 attacks discovered an intelligence time bomb. They found out...

‘If talks not extended, there may not be another prisoner release’

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=16109 Science and Technology Minister Yaakov Peri. Photo credit: Yonatan Zindel "If does not agree to extend negotiations with Israel for an additional year, it's possible that the fourth round of prisoner releases will not...

Haneyya: We will not give up resistance

http://www.qassam.ps/news-8145-Haneyya_We_will_not_give_up_resistance.html Gaza- Gaza premier Ismail Haneyya has asserted that the strategy of resistance against Israeli occupation would never be forsaken until end of occupation of the Palestinian lands. Haneyya, who was extending condolences to family of...

The Seizure of the Klos C: Significance and Implications

http://www.inss.org.il/index.aspx?id=4538&articleid=6745 The March 5, 2014 seizure of the Klos C is a blow to Iran, which clearly invested considerable effort and resources in organizing the weapons shipment and attempting to conceal the ship’s course and...

Abbas Uses Fatah Speech to Reject U.S. Plan

http://jcpa.org/abbas-uses-fatah-speech-to-reject-u-s-plan/ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech to the Fatah Revolutionary Council on March 9. In a departure from normal procedure, Fatah did not release the speech immediately, but only at the end...

Abbas and the “Right of Return Will Defeat John Kerry

When the Kerry negotiations fail to achieve an Israeli-Palestinian peace, many observers in Europe and even some in the United States will attribute the disappointment to Israel and especially to “Israel’s right wing government”...

The Questions No One Asks

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4209/the-questions-no-one-asks The Palestinians aspire to control all the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, not only those holy to Islam, but those holy to Christianity and Judaism as well. They understand that they...


"There's Nazis here. Lots of them," said Vladimir, a Jew living in Munich originally from Russia, whom I met on Saturday morning January 18, 2014 after Shabbat services at the Jewish community synagogue in...