Parliamentary Event: The UNWRA Reform Initiative Dear ZF activist, We'd like to highlight a future event you might be interested in. On Thursday March 13th, MP Bob Blackman will host a conference on “The UNWRA Reform Initiative” at the House of Commons....

Towards the June 2014 Renewal of The UNRWA Mandate

Opportunity for donor nations to consider UNRWA POLICY CHANGES Tthe renewal of the UNRWA mandate set for June 30, 2014, provIdes an opportunity for the donor nations to UNRWA to insist that UNRWA implement basic...

Israel Policy Forum circulates seriously tainted poll The Israel Policy Forum. in cooperation with the Israeli Peace Initiative, released today a poll with the intention apparently of setting the tone for PM Netanyahu's visit to Washington. The poll features serious errors. Among...

Israel’s Elbit Wins U.S. Border Work After Boeing Dumped Elbit Systems Ltd. (ESLT) won a $145 million contract for border-surveillance technology, the Department of Homeland Security announced today on a federal website. The program may eventually reach $1 billion if legislation to rewrite...

Israeli ambassador joins chorus of criticism of Amnesty report on Israel’s ‘trigger happy’ army Palestinians pray during the funeral of Sami Bsharat, a Palestinian militant who was killed in operation by the Israeli army in the West Bank. Recently Israel has been returning the bodies of dead Palestinian...

Israel Concludes Tests of Airliner Protection System TEL AVIV - More than 13 years after the near disaster that triggered urgent government demands to defend commercial airliners from shoulder-launched missile attack, a solution is finally in hand, defense and industry sources...

Israel’s new game plan with Hezbollah and Syria Under late Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, and for 29 years, Israel did not once directly strike Syria outside the Arab-Israeli war of 1973. This dynamic is quickly changing today, as the internal conflict spreads...

Origin of the Palestinian claim of a ‘right of return’ Reports emanating from the current Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations reveal that the Palestinian side continues to demand recognition of “a right of return,” under which about 5 million Palestinians now living outside Israel would migrate...

BDS and the Oscars: How Screenwriter Ben Hecht Defied an Anti-Israel Boycott Hollywood screenwriter Ben Hecht said he “beamed with pride” when he heard the news on that autumn afternoon in 1948: The British had declared a boycott against him. By day, Hecht was the highest-paid...

Wellington group aims to boycott Jewish culture Deca DanceBatsheva Dance CompanyNew Zealand FestivalSt James TheaterFebruary 21 - 24 The spirit of Nazi Germany will be on the streets this Saturday night in Wellington, with a protest against the visiting Batsheva Dance Company,...