Israeli Middle East expert David Bedein: “Fatah cooperates with Hamas”

In an exclusive interview with JerusalemOnline, David Bedein, the head of the Center for Near East Policy Research, discussed the connections between Hamas and Fatah, which are highlighted in his recently published book titled:...

Anti-Israel Incitement in the Palestinian Authority: An analysis of its roots and aspects

Incitement is generally defined as the deliberate provocation of unlawful, violent or criminal behavior. However, I would expand the definition to include inculcating a belief in an extremist ideology, concept or policy that is...

The Truth About Financial Aid to the Palestinian Authority

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A dramatic letter written by a former terrorist who is running for president of the Palestinian Authority reveals the extent to which the budgets funneled to the PA from Israel and the...

Evaluation of the Israeli/Palestinian Schoolbook Research Project

The Israeli-Palestinian schoolbook research project was commissioned by the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL) and financed by the US State Department. It started in 2009 and was headed by Professor...

Constitution of the State of Palestine – Third Draft

The executive committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, having renewed the instructions of the Palestinian National Council for the establishment of a special committee to prepare the Constitution of the State of Palestine, the...

More Translated Pages from Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks

Following are translated pages from 16 Palestinian Authority schoolbooks published in 2008-2009. These pages contain some revealing expressions (colored red) regarding Jews, Israel, Zionism and other related themes. They are organized according to grades...

Palestinian Authority Continues Its “Pay for Slay” Policy

In 2017, we published a paper that revealed the fact that the Palestinian Authority is paying by law salaries to terrorists arrested in Israeli jails and to the families of deceased terrorists and injured...

Abbas-Greenblatt: combat violence and terror FREE MURDERERS

IMRA: Jason Greenblatt appears to have decided to facilitate Abbas "talking the talk". "President Abbas and Mr. Greenblatt also reaffirmed the U.S. and the Palestinian Authority’s joint determination to combat violence and terrorism." BUT Abbas...


This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks (Hebrew)

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks (Hebrew)