PSF - search results

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UK Ambassador Removes Illusion that Arming PSF is to Help Israel Fight Hamas

The US, Canada the EU justify arming the Palestinian Security Force, the PSF, with the mantra that the PSF has been established to help Israeli security fight the Hamas.” However, studies conducted by the Center...

News report about the US funded PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces

Commentary from David Bedein: The following news report about the US funded PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces, contains some important aspects Comments from senior Israeli security people that warn about future confrontations with the UN trained...

Officers by Day Terrorists by Night

Survey published 100 days after the outbreak of Iron Swords War found approximately 82% of Arabs in Judea and Samaria support the massacre of October 7. (AP, Palestinian poll shows a rise in...

The fate of the two state solution following the US elections

The idea of a  two state solution  will no doubt be high on the agenda of the new US administration, following Saudi demands for a Palestinian state as a condition for an  upgrade in Saudi relations with Israel. Here are ten dilemmas...

Questions for US Presidential and Congressional Candidates concerning a Proposed Two-State Solution

1. Will you demand that that the Palestinians finally ratify the "Declaration of Principles for Peace" signed on the White House lawn in 1993? 2. Will you demand that the Palestinians finally cancel their charter...

Inside Israel. Threats to Jewish lives which stem from the lethal policies of the...

The Jewish national fast day was observed this year on the Jewish calendar date of the 9th of Av, which this year fell on August 13, 2024. The date marks centuries of the remorseless murder of Jews. This year, the existential threat...

Strategy: “Pikuach Nefesh” Alert: Saving Jewish Lives

The Rebbe understood that the existential threat to Israel constitutes a matter of "Pikuach Nefesh." In that context, the time has come to engage in a "Pikuach Nefesh" campaign and adopt a strategic approach...

List of Companies That Have Condemned Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld tracks which companies have spoken out to condemn Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel, denounce antisemitism, and express support and solidarity with Israel.

Netanyahu: Preserving A State Of Terror

Recent reports in the Jewish Chronicle have shed light on a disheartening development within Israeli politics. Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, during a briefing at the Israel Knesset Parliament Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, declared that...

USA:s kyliga omfamning av Israel.

USA:s ambassadör Tom Nides kommentar om det kallblodiga mordet på fyra judar i Israel nyligen har fått kritik för sin brist på tydlighet och beslutsamma åtgärder. Samtidigt som ambassadör Nides uttryckte kondoleanser till de sörjande...