Monthly Archives: January 2009

French President Hosts Father Of Israeli POW

In an unusual move, French President Nicolas Sarkozy invited Noam Shalit, the father of Israeli prisoner of war Cpl. Gilad Shalit, for a private audience in Paris yesterday. Cpl. Shalit has been in the...

Israel Courts Non-Arab Islamic Countries For Military Ties

In what will probably be viewed as a shrewd strategic diplomatic move, Israel has initiated new military aid to non-Arab Muslim nations in Central Asia. Israel is now openly upgrading the military of Kazakhstan, while...

Roadside Bomb Kills Israeli Officer Near Gaza Security Fence

A roadside bomb was detonated yesterday morning against an Israel Defense Force patrol on the Israel side of the Gaza Strip security fence, north of the Israeli Kibbutz Kissufim. One noncommissioned officer was killed,...

US Sets Up Conference To Stop Arms To Gaza

President Barack Obama announced yesterday the U.S. will convene an international conference to stem arms flow to Gaza. Next week, the representatives from the U.S., E.U., Israel and possibly Egypt will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark,...

Lawyer Letter Threatens BBC, Sky News

A Tel-Aviv-based human rights organization, Shurat HaDin - Israel Law Center, forwarded a warning letter yesterday to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), warning the British network not to succumb to the pressure to broadcast...

US Military Concerned Over Rapid Iraq Withdrawal

The Middle East Newsline has learned U.S. military commanders have been concerned that a rapid troop withdrawal could renew ethnic violence as well as the al-Qaida network in Iraq. Several of the commanders, who refused...

The Holocaust Did not Begin in the Gas Chambers – it Began with Words

On this United Nations International Holocaust Remembrance Day, words may ease the pain, but they may also dwarf the tragedy. For the Holocaust is uniquely evil in its genocidal singularity, where biology was inescapably...

Mitchell, A Mideast Envoy With A Tendentious Legacy

Following President Obama's appointment of former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell of Maine as his Middle East envoy, it may be instructive to remember the tendentiousness of George Mitchell's 2001 report titled: "The Mitchell Report on...

When is a Cease-fire is not a Cease-fire?

As journalists cover complex Middle East negotiations, wire services often interpret the lulls in hostilities as an armistice or a cease-fire, reminiscent in the western mind to the end of hostilities in World War...

Hamas Proposal: Calm In Fighting For A Year And A Half?Ӭ

Ayman Taha, a member of Hamas’ political wing who represents the organization in the Cairo talks, told the al-Arabiya channel yesterday that his organization has agreed to a year and a half tahdia (temporary...