Arab ‘policeman’ in Hebron
One of the questions I frequently hear, is: What’s the security situation?
As Obama continues to pressure Israel into further concessions, in order to prepare ‘direct talks’ with our enemy, a.k.a. continued Israeli abandonment of Eretz Yisrael, a decrease in security and more dead Jews, it is important to know exactly:
How quiet has it really been?
This is a summary of terror activity in Israel for the first six months of 2010, as prepared by Yeshanews (Hebrew)
You judge for yourself.
6 people killed
2 critically wounded
9 moderately wounded
232 lightly wounded in terror attacks and fighting against terrorists
139 rockets fired
At the Gaza border fence 60 shooting attacks, bombs, missiles fired, and attempted infiltrations.
130 Arabs apprehened with knives. 22 admitted intentions to perpetrated aterror attack
Rocket/Missile attacks:
25 mortars and 48 kassam missiles shot into Israel
1 killed (foreign worker)
2 people in shock
45 mortars and 19 kassam missiles fell inside Gaza
2-3 rockets shot at the Gulf of Eilat
1 discovered 70 meteres from the Almog beach
Terror at Gaza border fence:
2 soldiers killed
1 injured by sniper fire
1 injured in mine blast
The Israel Air force attacked 8 tunnels, 1 weapons factory, 4 terror bases, 4 munitions storage area, 3 terrorist groups shooting rockets,
12 terrorists killed and one critically injured.
3 terror infiltrations prevented
The marines killed 6 terrorists planning an attack from the sea
18 shooting attacks against soldiers
1 hand grenade thrown
8 Anti-tank missiles shot
12 shooting attacks against workers
1 attack against farmers
3 mines discovered
5 bombs exploded
1 ‘wagon bomb’
Knives and stabbing attacks:
103 Arabs arrested armed with knives
57 on their bodies
24 in vehicles
22 with other tools
1 killed by stabbing attack – Soldier Ihab Chatib, at the Tapuach junction.
1 lightly wounded in Netanya
1 terrorist killed
1 terror suspect shot and lightly wounded
A knife attack prevented – 2 terrorists killed
Bombs in Judea and Samaria:
38 bombs discovered
4 fake bombs discovered
Rock attacks and Arab violence:
218 injured by rock attacks and Arab violence
132 police and border police, 2 border police officers, lightly injured. 1 lightly-moderately wounded
12 soldiers and one officer wounded
56 civilians lightly wounded, including 3 children, one foreign tourist lightly wounded, 4 moderate and 3 treated for shock
2 civilians injured in auto accident due to rock attack, 1 wounded in accident due to rock barrier in street, 1 civilian by Arab violence in Southern Hebron Hills, 1 youth in Jerusalem, and a handicapped person by Arab violence during a car theft.
Auto attacks:
3 auto attacks-attempts to run people over, 4 people lightly injured
Terror shooting:
One policeman killed, 1 moderately wounded, 3 lightly wounded, 2 civilians and one guard lightly wounded
Killed and wounded in attacks and fights against terror:
3 soldiers killed, 1 killed by ‘friendly fire’ during terror operation, 1 policeman and one foreign worker killed
Cemetery desecrations:
3 times ancient Jewish cemetery in Hebron desecrated via arson attacks.
23 gravestones destroyed on Mt of Olives
2 other attacks near Nevatim and Shefaram
www.hebron.com (English)
www.hebron.org.i l (Hebrew)
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Canada 1-647-723-3789 x109
Fax: (801) 720-9291
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