Daily Archives: July 14, 2017

Israel and U.S. Jews: The View From Jerusalem

To the Editor: Re “Israel to U.S. Jews: You Just Don’t Matter” (column, July 12): Thomas L. Friedman claims that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has burned bridges with American Jews. Never mind that he just ordered...

What Really Matters in the Middle East

The fight against the Islamic State appears to be going well. On July 9, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory in Mosul after the city was finally retaken. The same day, the United...

Israel’s sanitized report of Netanyahu-Abbas conversation makes Abbas look better

A comparison of the official Palestinian and official Israeli reports of the Netanyahu-Abbas conversation finds that the sanitized report issued by Israel puts Abbas in a far more favorable light than he deserves. As the...

Fake News and No News…writes Michael Kuttner

It is very rare for the international media to have no news about Israel. Likewise our local media hardly misses an opportunity to inform us about developments here in Israel. The Maccabiah is an interesting...

Senate panel weighs bill to cut U.S. funding to Palestinians over payments to terrorists

With momentum growing in Congress to support legislation that could cut U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority over its payments to convicted terrorists and their families, a senior White House official told Fox News...