Daily Archives: April 18, 2020

Input sought for new book: “Our child in isolation”

Our news and research agency wants to hear from your children, for their input in an instant book, to be entitled "Our child in isolation" At a time when families across the globe dwell in...

UNRWA’s gefälschte Studenten, Lehrpläne und Defizite

29.08.2019 Der erste Schultag war eine wunderbare Gelegenheit für das 70 Jahre alte, temporäre Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, um Bilder von Kindern zu zeigen und Geld zu erbitten. Das Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen UNRWA schrieb über...

Why there is no credible alternative to IHRA definition of antisemitism

Proponents of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel typically react with indignation when their views are denounced as antisemitic. They tell us it’s not racist to criticise the policies of any government, or...

Corona casualties and other symptoms

Apart from the tragic toll of lives and devastated families this pandemic has also let loose ancient demons. It has also left in its wake potential political wrecks, social and economic upheavals and exposed totally unprepared and...