Monthly Archives: July 2020

Weekly Commentary: Sunday or Never? Will Netanyahu Exercise Paragraph 29?

Let's cut through the confusion. When the Government meets next Sunday Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu can have the doors closed, pull out a map delineating the areas within which Israel is applying Israeli law and...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

From Israel: An Unmitigated Mess!!

July 1, 2020 Today is the day on which Israel was to begin application of sovereignty. That is not going to happen today, and I will get to that below. ~~~~~~~~~~ But I have been tracking more...

BLM and the poison of anti-Semitism

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — It is a just cause, poisoned by anti-Semitism. The drive to end racism merits all our participation, and we should all stand against the anti-Semitic acts and attitudes that have attached themselves...

US Peace proposal: Based on the Oslo Accords which the PLO never ratified

The US Peace plan of 2020, offered by US president Trump, cannot be understood without noting that it openly continues the Oslo Accord of 1993, never ratified by the PLO. That accord was based on...