Daily Archives: April 1, 2022
US-Botschafter in Israel: Wohnungsbau schlimmer als Mord
Thomas Nides verurteilt das Siedlungswachstum in Ostjerusalem und im Westjordanland, igoriert jedoch die antisemitischen Darstellungen in palästinensischen Schulbüchern.
Wohnraummangel ist in vielen Ländern der Welt ein Problem. Wenn Kinder erwachsen werden, wollen sie von zu...
The Israel conexion with David Bedein
David Bedein serves as Director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and he follows the UNRWA trail, exposing their malfeasances. We will discuss a short video titled 'UNRWA ignites Jerusalem' that can be found on his...
Da Ucrânia a UNRWA: Inteligência russa fomenta guerra nos campos de refugiados árabes
Por favor, leia atentamente:
Sob a orientação da KGB, a ideia dos refugiados árabes como um povo distinto se consolidou.
A KGB gerou um enredo que hoje em dia é muitas vezes tido como factual:
The World Bank In West Bank and Gaza
2020 has been a tumultuous year for the Palestinian economy, which is suffering the economic fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as a political standoff that has made it difficult for the Palestinian...