Head of the Israeli news agency “Makor Yisraeli”, David Bedein, fiercely attacked the IDF Civil Administration as well as the Ministry of Education for allowing the distribution of schoolbooks that contain incitement against Jews.

“For the past twenty years what has characterized the Palestinian Authority media and their education system is clear incitement to war,” Bedein told Arutz Sheva.  

Bedein, whose son Noam used to head the Sderot Media Center, knows what war feels like, having worried about his son under constant rocket fire from Gaza for almost 15 consecutive years.

“We have received assurances from the US State Department that Palestinian schoolbooks, especially for the UNRWA schools would be okay now, and would meet standards of peace and reconciliation with Israel. We went out and purchased 150 of their new schools books and found that the opposite is true.”

Bedein outlined that this problem has been going on for some time, since before the Six Day War, and suggested that Israel confiscate the schoolbooks when they arrive at the Erez Junction near Gaza, or other checkpoints before they cross over into Judea and Samaria.

Bedein suggested that the same be done to the media outlets and that Israel should cut the broadcast frequencies of radio channels that espouse incitement and hatred towards Jews. Bedin said that the incitement can be stopped if Israel maintains a sense of pride.
