“Killer Watch” notes that Kahalani “neglected” to ask Arafat to arrest the killers whom Arafat has welcomed to the Palestine Authority. Are cars more important that killers?”

Spring, 1998

A new advocacy group, “Killer Watch”, has emerged in Jerusalem.

It was founded by American-Israeli citizens, Joyce and Stanley Boim of Jerusalem.

David Boim, the teenage son of the Boims, was machine gunned to death at a school bus stop on May 13, 1996.

The two Arab gunman who murdered David Boim immediately sped into the area under the control of the Palestine Authority.

Within a few weeks, their identity and whereabouts were known to the Israel Defense Forces, and to the Palestine Authority.

The American embassy informed the Boims that David’s killers were in custody of the PA.

The PA denied this.

It was not until the Boims sued the Israeli Minister of Justice in July 1997 that the Israeli government issued a demand that the PA arrest the murderers of David Boim.

On September 4, 1997, one of David’s killers blew himself up on the Ben Yehudah Street Mall in Jerusalem, killing four high school girs and one young bank clerk who had taken his ten year old boy for ice cream.

Only after Joyce Boim testified in the US Congress and conducted a speaking tour throughout the US, did US President Clinton personally order Arafat to arrest David’s other killer, whose name is Amjad Hanawi.

In February, 1998, Hanawi was finally arrested and convicted of accessary to murder in the Jericho Palestine Authority court.

Hanawi was sentenced to ten years of hard labor.

The question posed by the Boims and others remains How long will Hanawi serve? Will the PA release Hanawi after a few months, as they have in other capital crimes?

Killer Watch will keep an eye on Hanawi, to see if the PA indeed keeps him in jail.

Killer Watch will also monitor the whereabouts of thirty three other admitted killers who have found refuge inside the Palestine Authority, and keep the issue alive in the public domain of the Israeli media and political arena.

During the month of March, 1998, the Israeli police, under pressure from Israeli insurance companies, conducted widespread searches for vehicles that had been stolen and smuggled to the areas under the jurisdiction of the Palestine Authority.

The Israel Minister of Police and Public Security, Avigdor Kahalani, met with PA chairman Yassir Arafat on March 29 to demand that the car thefts cease and that the Pa hand over stolen vehicles.

Killer Watch notes that Kahalani “neglected” to ask Arafat to arrest the killers whom Arafat has welcomed to the Palestine Authority. Are cars more important that killers?

It will be the task of Killer Watch to see to it that Kahalani and other Israeli leaders feel the pressure of justice for those who have been murdered, while the killers have simply crossed the line to the safe haven of the Palestine Authority.

Otherwise, the kill and run precedent of the Oslo process will remain.

Killer Watch is now developing a systematic strategy to influence Israeli and world public opinion.

Mailing Address of KILLER WATCH
POB 2265
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: (02) 625-7303
Fax: (02) 625-9239

Killer Watch will appreciate contributions, active support and voluntary efforts on its behalf.