David Bedein
Palestinian Authority education: No room for a two-state solution
The current war in the Middle East often leads policymakers to think of a two-state solution as a panacea for peace.
However, Palestinian Authority texts...
Questions for US Presidential and Congressional Candidates concerning a Proposed Two-State Solution
1. Will you demand that that the Palestinians finally ratify the "Declaration of Principles for Peace" signed on the White House lawn in 1993?
Missiles embedded
Following attacks on Israel’s northern border more than 45 years ago, when Ariel Sharon was Israel’s leader, the Israel Defense Forces invaded Southern Lebanon...
Czy wysłałbyś swoje dziecko na obóz letni UNRWA?
Przez ostatnie 15 lat, jako organizator społeczny, a potem reporter śledczy, zajmowałem się prowadzeniem jedynej agencji dokumentującej obozy letnie UNRWA. Wspierany przez trzech dziennikarzy...
David Bedein: A Warning Voice on UNRWA
I’m the husband of Sara, father of Noam, Rivka, Elchanan, Leora, Meira and Ruhama, and grandpa to our 12 grandchildren. I came to Israel in the wake of the challenge of the victory in the Six-Day War in 1967, determined to make a difference for the better.
Behind the Scenes with David Bedein The Kenneth Timmerman Interview
incisive VIDEO interview with Iran expert Kenneth Timmerman
Following Senator Warren’s assertion that the term “genocide” should be applied to the current...
Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, recently became the first US politician to declare that it is appropriate to use the term “genocide” when referring to...
Addressing UNRWA Policy: Key Questions For Donor Nations
Israel Resource News Agency, operating as an independent news agency and research center under the Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, has...
Letter to US ambassador Lew: Has your excellency taken new steps to monitor what...
April 1, 2024
Attn: US Ambassador Jacob J. Lew
Our news agency and research center has been providing news & research concerning UNRWA since 1987.
Our agency established a special website which focuses...