David Bedein
‘Hudna’ -Winked
Over the past few weeks, the western media and even the Jewish media have mistranslated the term "hudna" to mean a "ceasefire." Muhammed made a hudna with a tribe of Jews back then to give him time to grow his forces, then broke the treaty and wiped them out. Although this treaty was violated within three years from the time that it was concluded, most jurists concur that the maximum period of peace with the enemy should not exceed ten years since it was originally agreed that the Hudaybia treaty should last ten years."
HUDNA” -WINKED: Mistranslation of an Arabic term which does not connote “cease fire”
Security Guarantees for Israel from the US – Remember the Sinai, 50 Years Ago
‘Calm’ Gives Terror Organization Leaders No Fear Of Harm
Brig. Gen. Baidetz said that because of the cease-fire, the main center of terrorist activity has moved to Judea and Samaria. "They try to perpetrate terror attacks all the time. They prepare car bombs. There was also an intention to establish a laboratory to manufacture high trajectory fire weapons, but our troops discovered it," he said.
Iraqi Army Seeks To Improve Marksmanship
--Officials said the army would be provided snipers to most units. This would deploy a marksman on a roof to target insurgents and their commanders.The marksmanship course was said to be difficult and selective, demanding the striking of targets at ranges of up to 600 meters. Officials said the majority of students did not complete training, which included a 10-kilometer march as well as firing at pop-up targets.--Palestinian Authority Continued To Smuggle Into Gaza--Saudis Crack Down On al-Qaida--Iran Has $3 Trillion Worth Of Energy
Reviewing The U.N.’s Resolutions Against Israel
--An Israeli Foreign Ministry official said Saturday night, "This is a resolution that adds no positive value to peace in the Middle East. The U.N., which was established in 1946, accepted responsibility immediately for the Israeli-Arab conflict, failed in its mission to bring peace here, among other things, because of unilateral resolutions of this kind. The Palestinians enjoy an automatic majority in the U.N. General Assembly, and every year they pass this resolution." --The U.N.'s Double Standard
Did Condoleezza Rice Commit A Felony By Offering Weapons To A Terror Organization?
Did Rice Commit A Felony By Offering Weapons To A Terror Organization?
The Bulletin asked the US State Department if Rice would ask Abbas to instruct his security forces to try and stop the rocket attacks and whether Abbas would disarm Al Aksa Brigades. The answer: "No Comment."Despite the assumption that Abbas is too weak to disband the Al Aksa Brigades, Abbas maintains direct control over at least 45,000 members of a dozen or so security forces in the Gaza Strip. This is in addition to thousands of gunmen and activists belonging to the Fatah, which Abbas also chairs. Rice, eager to bring down the Hamas government, also offered on Thursday to continue to arm Abbas and his Fatah party with 6,000 rifles.
U.S. Pressured Israel To Halt Missile Strikes On Palestinians
"(Prime Minister) Olmert was first told of the cease-fire proposal when he came to Washington earlier this month," the official said. "Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called Olmert and said she expected an end to Israeli military operations."