David Bedein
Why Israel Watches The US Elections
Iran Greatly Enthused By Successful Missile Test
"The Iranian firing was on a much larger scale (than the North Korean test) and it proved the seamless ability to coordinate the launches of a range of missile and rockets," the source said. The Shihab-3 contains a range of 1,242 miles and Iran said the missile reached that distance during this month's exercise. Iran was also developing missiles with ranges of up to 3,415 miles.
Hamas Is Forming A Division In Gaza
--"Hamas is building up its strength all the time," he said. "They are certainly studying the Lebanon war and are trying to apply the lessons learned from it. Hamas is determined to seize control of the Gaza Strip and to oust Fatah."--Hamas Fears IDF Will Rescue Gilad Shalit In Southern Gaza Strip--U.S. Will Soon Try To Promote Diplomatic Process--U.N. Plan For Israeli Withdraw From Mt. Dov-- Haniya Leaving Gaza Strip For First Time Since Becoming PM--Israeli Aircraft Stage Mock Raids In Lebanon--Britain Sells Arms To Iran
Holding Ehud Barak Accountable for Hezbullah…
Egypt To Deploy Thousands Of Troops To Gaza
-- Egypt's official Middle East News Agency (MENA) said the regime of President Hosni Mubarak has begun to deploy 5,000 Egyptian state security police along the Egypt-Gaza border-- Yemen Captures Eight Al-Qaida Insurgents--Russia Renews Arms Exports To Iran--Iran Expands Influence In Syria--Saudis Place Oil Facilities On Alert
Seven Armed Palestinian Terrorists Killed In Gaza
The IDF fire resulted in the death of Atta Fuad Shanbari, the commander of the Popular Resistance Committees in the northern Gaza Strip, and six others. Israeli security officials said that Shanbari, 32, was responsible for much of the Kassam rocket fire into Israel. Two of Shanbari's brothers were also killed in the exchanges of fire.
$50 Million Iran Deal Sabotages Release Of
--a few days after it appeared that an agreement had been reached, a delegation from Iran secretly arrived in Damascus and gave Khaled Mashaal $50 million on condition that he torpedo the deal. Following the fund transfer, Mashaal's position became more inflexible and he demanded the release of dozens more prisoners, including those described as "tough prisoners." --Putin Offers Moderate Support--More Action In Gaza
Israel: We’re Still Going To Fly Over Lebanon
Regarding the possibility that the anti-aircraft troops of the U.N. would open fire at Air Force aircraft, security officials believe that it is "difficult to see a situation in which French troops fire on us, but in any case, in the current situation the cessation of flights is completely out of the question."
Israel Ignores Threats and Resumes Flights over Lebanon
Intelligence: More Rocket Fire In Gaza Strip
During anoperation which focused in the Khan Yunis area of the Gaza Strip and was meant to uncover tunnels and capture wanted terrorists, strong exchanges of fire took place between the IDF and the Palestinians. That fire included anti-tank rocket fire, shells and bombs.