David Bedein
Why would the PLO attack a Left Wing Kibbutz?
On November 12, 2002, a Fateh terorrist infiltrated the left wing Shomer HaTzair Kibbutz Metzer, which had made a name for itself in the...
EU comment on killing Jews beyond the ‘green line” …and PBC praise of the...
Israel Resource News Agency requested comment from Mr. David Kriss, the press officer of the Delegation of the European Commission to the State of...
Israeli Peace Now MK Launches Attack Against Official Palestinian Authority Media
This week, Meretz Knesset member and Peace Now leader Ron Cohen unleashed an unprecedented attack against the Palestinian Authority's PBC (Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio...
And Who is Behind Tayoush?: the Senior Pundak & Senior Melchior
Following Israel's "Defensive Shield" operation against PLO strongholds that followed the Passover seder massacre in Netanya last April, Herbert Pundak, former chief editor of...
UNICEF: Why is this Halloween Different from Any Other Halloween?
This year, UNICEF treats you with a new trick against Israel.
We all remember UNICEF. That is the agency that provides little boxes for collection...
Carter: the Father of Palestinian Autocracy
The announcement from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee on October 11, 2002 that Jimmy Carter would receive this year's 2002 Nobel Peace Prize will...
Israel’s War for Standing in the Media
"They may have won all the battles. We had all the good songs"
Tom Lehrer, That Was The Year That Was - 1966.
"When you promote...
Beillin’s Foundation Will not Disclose Basic Data Required by Israeli Law
The Economic Cooperation Foundation, pioneered by former Israel Justice Minister Yossi Beillin, finally submitted its financial report for the year 2000 to the Registrar...
PA Democracy in Action: Palestine Legislative Council Meets… And PA Security Services Round Up...
A side show to the middle east international news attention this week that was focused on Saddam Hussein was provided at the meeting of...
Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective
This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being...