David Bedein
Pope’s Planned Visit to UNRWA Refugee Camp Portends Disaster
The Pope's planned March 21 visit to the UNRWA refugee camp of Deheishe, just south of Bethlehem, portends disaster.
The Pope's intention in his visit...
This Hallowed Ground: Personal Insights Into the Golan
At a time when the Golan Heights is so widely discussed, I decided that the time has come to discuss the Golan Heights and...
Arthur Hertzberg: No Red Carpet for the Pope When He Lands in Israel
Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, the Bronfman Professor of the History at NYU and the author of such seminal works as The Zionist Idea and The...
Not a Question of Donors – a Matter of Integrity
The evolving scandal concerning Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's election campaign has little to do with foreign contributions, as emphasized in the recent "spin"...
“Say No to Haider” and Say Nothing About Assad and Arafat
The World Zionist Organization this week hired a major public relations firm to mobilize world opinion against the inclusion of the rightist Jorgen Haider...
Pushing Towards a PA State
This week, the Israeli government has been asked by the US state department and by the White House to dispatch representatives to talks that...
What Did Barak Know
On January 27, 2000, The Israel State Comptroller, the highest arbiter of the Israeli legal system, asserted that the campaign to elect Ehud Barak...
An Insider’s Report From the Shepherdstown Talks
Shepherdstown, W. Va -- It is only a few hundred meters from the improvised press center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, where this writer spent...
Can Tyrants Make Peace? A Perspective on the Syrian/Israel Talks in Washington
One of the lessons of the twentieth century that is that a tyrant does not make peace with a democratically elected leader.
A dictator views...
The Man Who Convinced Eshkol
The course of history can be changed by the determination of one man who stands up for what he believes in when he is...