David Bedein
Israel at Fifty Makes an Offer “Territories for Peace”, Not “Territories Before Peace”
On the occaision of Israel's fiftieth anniversary, the Jewish state finally finds itself in full scale peace process, following formal peace treaties signed with...
When Jewish Organizations Research Antisemitism and Delete Mention of the Palestine Authority
In a joint news conference held on April 22, 1998, the day before Holocaust Rememberance Day, the representatives of Stephen Roth Institute of Anti-Semitism...
Jews Grit their Teeth While CIA and EU Train the Palestine Liberation Army
Today, April 22, 1998, marks Jewish holocaust Remembrance Day, when people around the world recall the slaughter of six million Jews in twenty one...
Two Sides of Sesame Street
The April 1 front page story that ran in the Philadelphia Inquirer concerning Jewish-Arab cooperation in the production of a sesame-street style production on...
Why is Pollard Still in Jail
A study published by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in 1991 and authored by investigator Kenneth Timmerman documents that tens of American firms do business...
Should This be an Accepted Norm for Young Women – or Should We Fight...
In early March, 1998, Diane Sawyer at CBS ran an investigative news item that exposed widespread prostitution in Israel.
Sawyer focused on women who are...
Fraud Alert
The story of the Bnei Brak husband and wife, parents of nine children, who were required by rabbis to divorce after she was raped,...
The 50th Anniversary and the Media
Arab and Left wing organizations now receive, escort and brief the media who arrive in Israel to cover Israel's fiftieth anniversary year, with little...
What is the Precise Connection Between P A. & Saddam Hussein?
Over the past two weeks, no one can deny that there have been widespread televised reports that have shown mass Palestinian Arab demonstrations for...
Palestinian Arab Refugees as “Peripheral” to the Peace Process
A commonly held assumption is that the entire matter of Palestinian Arab refugees is "peripheral" to the progress of the peace process. This view...