David Bedein
The Dark Reality Of PLO And UNRWA Policies
For decades, I advocated for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, believing that it could bring about a lasting peace in the region....
Mahmoud Abbas und der Terror der Hamas
Die Kommentare von PA-Präsident Abbas gegenüber palästinensischen Medien enthielten kein einziges Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung, sehr wohl aber die Zusage von lebenslangen...
October 2023
506 words
David Bedein, Director
The events of the past two weeks have vindicated my conclusion, after thirty-six years of scrutinizing PLO and UNRWA policies,...
That was the week that was
While Simchat Torah is the time when the Jewish people start a new year, with the recitation of the Five Books of Moses once...
For the sake of its integrity, will Israel make fundamental demands of Abbas?
As Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Jewish High Holy Days, approach, Israel finds itself in a moment of introspection and soul-searching, both on...
Who arms the Palestine Security Service, the armed forces of the PLO
David Bedein
To clear up matters as to who arms the Palestine Security Service, the armed forces of the PLO, some background is in order:
A Peace Process with the PLO that lasted less than three weeks.
Yes, on September 13, 1993, at the White House, Israel signed the “Declaration of Principles” (the DOP) between Israel and the PLO, in the...
Unveiling The Unratified: The Swift Demise Of The PLO-Israel Peace Endeavor
As the world reminisces about the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Peace Process, an exploration into the less-talked-about aspects of the initiative reveals a...
Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 29, 2023
Unveiling Saudi Arabia’s Dual Face: Peace Gesture or War Funding?
In a surprising turn of events, renowned Middle East journalist Tom Friedman, known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage, brought attention to a potential Saudi...