Michael Kuttner


Low Expectations

It pays not to have any great expectations where solidarity, support and sympathy for Israel are called for. As past and recent events have amply...

Irreconcilable and Incompatible

Israel is currently faced with several challenges, domestic and foreign, which seem at first glance to be insurmountable. Domestically, the ongoing saga of the Israeli...

Chicago and other charades

As a non-American, I am always astounded when every four years millions of dollars are spent in hosting Hollywood style political extravaganzas. One would have...

Hate Waves

Climatologists insist that the world is probably experiencing an increase in temperatures with frequent bouts of heat waves. Climate sceptics maintain that periodic warming and...

Cloud Cuckoo Land

This past week has provided further proof of how many are afflicted with absurd fantasies and an unrealistic state of mind. According to Wikipedia, those...


The accepted protocol when speaking at a funeral is to praise the deceased’s achievements and overlook any negative traits. However, what should one do when...

Olympic Shames

Olympiads and Jews do not have a gold medal relationship. With the inauguration of this competition by the ancient Greeks, it became a festival dedicated...

Balak, Bilam and A Donkey

Last Shabbat’s Torah Parsha (portion) of Balak is a stark reminder of how relevant that episode in Jewish history is for all of us...


The only way to eliminate lethal pathogens is to thoroughly sanitize the infected areas. Currently, we are witnessing another sort of sanitization. It is the frenetic...

Wake Up Calls

Incredibly, some individuals and groups still believe that the Arab/Islamic campaign of terror against Israel and Jews only dates from 1967. That explains how and...