Why the Current U.S. Foreign Policy Debate Doesn’t Make Sense and How to Fix...

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/01/a-totally-new-american-foreign-policy.html Something very bad is happening with the U.S. foreign policy debate. Aside from all of the specific problems and bad appointments, the whole discussion is being conducted on the wrong assumptions and context. There is...

Israel at Peace

http://www.danielpipes.org/12145/israel-at-peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...

Israel at Peace

http://www.danielpipes.org/12145/israel-at-peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...

The Iranian Role in the 2012 Gaza Conflict

http://jcpa.org/article/the-iranian-role-in-the-2012-gaza-conflict/ No. 592 November-December 2012 During the fighting in Gaza in November 2012, Iran took pains to highlight its own supply of weapons and means of manufacturing them to the Palestinians, contrasting the feebleness of the...

The Palestinian Conflict with Israel is Not the Core of the Middle East Conflict

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/evelyn-gordon/palestinian-conflict-israel-not-core-middle-east-conflict#.UKHaubJmTpw As Syria's civil war drags on, it is increasingly destabilizing its neighbors. First, hundreds of thousands of refugees poured over their borders; now, violence has as well. Turkey and Syria have repeatedly exchanged deadly...

Fill your sandbags

I’d like to believe that President Barack Obama's re-election means nothing significant for U.S.-Israel relations, since “all Democratic and Republican presidents over the past four decades have been solidly pro-Israel” - as Deputy Prime...

The Syrian Crisis and the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry

Dr. Benedetta Berti is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, a Young Atlanticist at the Atlantic Council, and the coauthor of Hamas and Hezbollah:...

Libya: Not Just a Tragedy But the Start of Another Endless War for America

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2012/09/libya-not-just-tragedy-but-start-of.html Yahoo highlighted two "amazing" stories shortly after the murder of five American diplomats in Libya and the attack on the U.S. embassy in Egypt that tell us a lot about the intersection between American...

Morsi’s just not that into Iran

http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/30/morsis_just_not_that_into_iran_0 Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had high hopes for the visit to Tehran by new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. His trip on Thursday for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit might have been brief -- his...

Rubin Reports: Israel is in Good Shape Because So Many Others Decided Not to...

http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/rubin-reports/rubin-reports-israel-is-in-good-shape-because-so-many-others-decided-not-to-be/2012/07/13/ The more I think about Israel’s security situation at this moment, the better it looks. Obviously, this is counter-intuitive given the media bias, academic distortions, and campaigns for sanctions of various kinds. And, of...