incentive murder - search results

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All the Ayatollah’s Men MORE THAN thirty years after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power-and two decades after his passing-the Islamic Republic remains an outlier in international relations. Other non-Western, revolutionary regimes eventually eschewed a rigidly ideological foreign...

Gilad Shalit: Israel Succumbs to Ransom When Israel succumbs to the ransom demanded by a regime which has kidnapped a citizen of the free world, that creates a precedent that will reverberate across the globe. Despite their desire to see Cpl....

Terrorist Incidents against Jewish Communities and Israeli Citizens Abroad, 1968-2010 1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=624&PID=0&IID=8920&TTL=Terrorist_Incidents_ against_Jewish_Communities_and_Israeli_Citizens_Abroad,_1968-2010 â— The phenomenon of terrorism against Jewish communities and Israeli targets abroad represents the most violent aspect of contemporary anti-Semitism, and the greatest physical danger to Diaspora Jewish communities. The rational calculations of political...

Competing World Views Tear A “Peace Process” to Pieces

The U.S. announcement inviting Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for direct talks shows quite clearly, though unintentionally, why the talks will fail. Special Envoy George Mitchell explains: "We are all well aware that there remains...

Why Must Israel Pay Ransom for his Release?

On Wednesday, the outgoing Israel government's Security Cabinet approved Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's proposal to link the Israeli POW Cpl. Gilad Shalit's release to any future security arrangement with the Hamas. Now, say government sources...

Insight Behind the News in Israel

Posting: August 8, 2007 "Tisha B'Av" Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night begins Tisha B'Av (the ninth of the month of Av), a day of Jewish national mourning because it is the day on...

Incisive Commentary

December 6, 2007 "Stumbling Blocks" Here we have, as if they were needed, more reasons why negotiating with the PA is impossible: The Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council has passed a law (first reading) saying that any concession...

Jerusalem Reacts In Mourning To Saddam’s Execution

Hundreds of residents of el-Khader, south of Bethlehem, declared three days of mourning. The villagers gathered near the entrance to the village, hung pictures of Saddam, raised placards condemning the American occupation in Iraq, and sang the Iraqi national anthem.

Jewish Symbolism: Saddam Executed On Day Babylon Laid Siege on Jerusalem

Moments before the rope was tightened around his neck, Saddam screamed out: "Long live Iraq and long live Palestine!" The execution of Saddam Hussein threw the Arab population throughout the land of Israel into a...

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley – Graciously Allowing Israel to Defend...

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley Crawford Middle School Crawford, Texas 9:00 A.M. CDT MR. HADLEY: Good morning. I'd be glad to answer any questions you folks have. Q Steve, how are you going...