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Restore the Power of Deterrence

We are still mourning the deaths of IDF soldiers Lt. Hanan Barak and Staff Sgt. Pavel Slutzker, and we are still praying for the safety of Gilad Shalit and his return home. And yet...

A Journalist Presents Another Perspective for Kadima USA to Consider

According to the position paper issued by Kadima USA, issued on June 5th, 2006, the "current situation in Israel demands physical separation". However, there is more that meets the eye, when it comes to Kadima. Concerning...

A Human Perspective of the “Disengagement”

The wedding invitation envelope looked pretty much like any other. What struck me was the handwritten return address: "Room 699" of a Kibbutz Guest House in Israel. It came from our old friends Ben...

Qassam Missiles in the Negev

The current Arab uprising in Gaza has unleashed a hail of Qassam rockets against Israel. These projectiles currently have a range of up to 10 kilometers,putting at risk approximately 600 kilometers of land bordering...

Status Report – Nine Months after the “Disengagement”

Nine months have passed since the terrible crisis befell us and we struggle to understand that we, who built homes, hothouses and public buildings, have to start afresh. It is a painful process, difficult...

Dov Weissglass to be Bezeq Chairman

Background on investigations of Dov Weissglass The Jericho Casino: Why the IDF Chief of Staff was Fired Disclosed: Weissglass Maintains His Business and Law Firm Rubbing Elbows with Arafat: Sharon's Top Advisor Represents "Business Interests" of the...

A Kassam missile Passover in the Negev

Worldwide media only fleetingly reports about the current Arab uprising in Gaza that has unleashed a hail of Kassam rockets against Israel. These projectiles currently have a range of up to 10 kilometers, putting at...

Different Definitions: What is Settlement Activity?

And After So Much Discussion in Israel as to "Who is a Jew", the Time Has Come to Ask: What is the Definition of "What is Settlement Activity"? by David S. Bedein, MSW US President Bill...

Israel’s Policy Against Housing VIolations: A Contrast Between Enforcment in the Jewish and Arab...

Three years ago, Ehud Olmert, in his final year as Mayor of Jerusalem, cooperated in the publication of a 170 page study entitled "Illegal Housing in Jerusalem", http://jcpa.org/jlmbldg.htm, published by the Jerusalem Center for...

“Amona”: What Really Transpired – Call for Commission of Investigation

Six Israeli Knesset Parliament members of the National Union Party convened a press conference on Thursday evening, February 2nd, at the Beit Agron International Press Center in Jerusalem, the day after the Israeli army...