palestinian education - search results

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Getting Birthright Wrong In mid-June, The Nation magazine, which for decades has provided a special platform for Jewish critics of Zionism, published an article by a young alumna of Birthright Israel, the organization that since 1999 has...

The Mennonite-Iranian Connection Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg Sayah Hassan David Matas Seven Iranian Muslin clerics met at Canadian Mennonite University in Tuxedo in June, for three day of close-door discussions with seven Mennonite theologians from Canada and the United...

DAGEN Newspaper in Norway Has Commissioned an Evaluation of New “Human Rights Curriculum” Published...

Dr. Arnon Groiss This week, the DAGEN newspaper from Norway commissioned an evaluation of the new “Human Rights Curriculum” that has recently been published in Arabic by UNRWA,the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the...

Insight;”UNRWA and More”

Please see an article of mine that just went up on American Thinker: http://www.americanthinker. com/2011/06/unrwa_protesting_ too_much.html The subject is UNRWA, which is putting out serious misrepresentations regarding the need for its services -- and the severe...

UNRWA: Protesting Too Much at June 17, 2011 - 01:50:35 AM CDT What do you do when your license to continue operating as a human service provider is about to come under review? If you are smart, you devise...

Assessment: Gaining Perspective on the Larger Picture in Jerusalem.

As events in the Middle East unfold, it is hard to gain perspective on the larger picture of what is developing. After forty years of Israel and twenty five consecutive years of full time...

The New Arab Apartheid

From the link (Hebrew ×"×פרט×"×™×™×" ×"ערבי): May 14, 2011 The real “nakba,” which is the story of the Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, among them Jews, suffered from the “nakba,” which included dispossession, expulsion and displacement....

One If by Land, and Two If by Sea* Another Hostile Flotilla Attacked Israel,...

Lebanon staging point. Sign says "Iran's Garden" (AP) There are remarkable similarities between the Mavi Marmara flotilla in May 2010 and the Nakba marches from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza on May 15. The Israeli intelligence services...


CHANGING TACTICS UNRWA - the UN Relief and Works Agency - appears to be adopting a new face and new policies. These changes can be seen as part of a bold PR campaign to insure,...