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An Israeli government working against the interests of the Jewish People?

A colleague who researches anti-Semitism has recently objected to those who describe current Israeli government policies as reminiscent of anti-Semitic regimes of the past. The goal in writing about these issues is to inform,...

Knesset Investigation of Alleged Corruption on the Highest Level of the Disenagement Process Commences

The Israel Parliamentary Knesset Oversight Committee, which oversees all aspects of Israel Government Accountability, chaired by Member of Knesset Dr. Yuri Shtern, of the Israel National Union Party, has summoned the Israeli official appointed...

Israel Military Intelligence Warns That Disengagement Would be Viewe As a Victory for Terror

On Monday, July 18th, 2005, Maj. Gen. (ret) Yaakov Amidror, outgoing head of IDF intelligence, and Col. (ret.) Shuki Rinsky, head of the IDF Gaza division, spoke at the King David Hotel Lecture Hall...

Letter of Elihu Schultz, Concentration Camp Survivor

Last Friday (15.07.2005) I listened on the radio to an interview by Judy Moses. The interviewee was a woman settler from Gush Katif who had written her identity card number with a pen on...

The Differences Between 1982 and 2005 – From a Personal and Professional Perspective

People often ask why there is any reason to be so excited about what the Sharon government proposes when it proposes the demolition of 26 Jewish communities in Gush Katif in Gaza and in...

Morton Klein Responds to Nahum Barnea’s Attack on the ZOA

In his column, Nachum Barnea said that Zionist Organization of America's (ZOA) poll showing that 63% of Americans oppose the Katif withdrawal was "misleading." But he does not explain the basis for his criticism. In...

A Letter to Abe Foxman from Katif

Dear Mr. Foxman, As a resident to Gush Katif, I would like to comment on your letter. Imagine waking up one morning and being told that your home, farm, job, synagogue, children's school neighbors, community center...

The Moment of Truth Has Arrived

An open letter: I write this letter with great inner turmoil, at the end of another day in Gush Katif. In the past year and a half, we inhabitants of Gush Katif have waged a struggle,...

Sharon willing to forgo crucial peace treaty principles for disengagement

"Mazuz snubs Knessetby Ilan Marciano There is no need to first get Knesset approval to change the terms of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty of 1979 in order to allow for an Egyptian force to patrol...

Americans Say Never Again

Never Again to indifference. Never Again to silence. Never Again to deportation. Dear Friend of Israel: The Sharon Government plans to deport close to 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron later this summer. Jewish lives are...