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The Sharon Plan: Not Disengagement – PLO Empowerment

The Sharon Plan, often described as the "disengagement" process, has become one of the most hotly debated news items in Israel. What is most newsworthy, given the charged emotions that this debate has created, is...

Israel Allows Palestinians Take Up Arms: But why?

With Sharon's plan for disengagement drawing nearer, Israeli and international media continue to focus on the eminent problem of transferring Jewish residents of Katif/Gaza, paying with little or no attention to clause five of...

A Rabbi who Marched from Selma to Montgomery Recalls the Moral Message of Dr....

This week, 40 years after the murder of a Black man, James Chaney, and two Jewish civil rights workers Andrew Goodman and James Schwerner in Philadelphia, Missisipi, the man who masterminded those murders was...

“Because of Settlers Like You!”

"If Gush Katif didn't exist we would have to invent it," said Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin when touring the Gush Katif region. "You are the first line of defense of this country," stated Prime Minister...

Not a PR Ploy

This week, a few survivors of concentration camps who live in the Katif district of Gaza, which is scheduled for removal, decided to wear orange stars of David - reminiscent of the Holocaust-era yellow...

Has the Israeli Government Been Using Holocaust Terminology to Promote Their Policies?

On the Fast Day of the Tenth of Tevet we collectively recall the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans to starve the Jews and to drive them out of the Land of Israel. Thousands of...

Why the People of Katif Do Not Want to Accept “Legal Compensation”

My cousin's daughter, a Tel Aviv lawyer, called last night. "Be realistic" she said. "You know that you are going to be expelled from Gush Katif. So get yourself a lawyer and start negotiating...

What was it like to cover Arafat and to speak with him?

Here is a short news story that says it all: On November 28, 1996, Thanksgiving eve in the US, I covered a delegation of 10 Israeli residents from Judea and Samaria who met with Yasser...

No “Disengagement”. Instead, A Program of PLO Empowerment

If you are like most members of the Knesset and the media, you probably never read it. That Sharon Plan received its first vote of confidence in Israel's Knesset on October 26th, 2004. Yet what is...

Disengagement: A Great Leap Sideways

Last week witnessed an unanticipated level and intensity of violence. It was reported that in ten days, 11 Israelis died at hands of Palestinian terrorists - 7 servicemen, 4 civilians. Nine of 11 were...