palestinian education - search results

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Peres to US After His Embrace of J Street and Letter of Assurance: “remaining...

Much of this piece is sourced at: ========================= President of Israel. Shimon Peres flies to meet with US President Obama after the recent Peres embrace of J Street, the organization which tried to get the US...

There is not and has never been a plan for a Holocaust curriculum in... Letters/Article.aspx?id=210732 Sir, - Contrary to what you reported in “Palestinians vow to prevent Holocaust education in UNRWA-run schools” (March 2), there is not and has never been a plan for a Holocaust curriculum in...

UNRWA Never Planned to Teach Holocaust

Contrary to reports that UNRWA had planned to teach the children of Gaza about the Holocaust, it has now been learned that UNRWA has had no such curriculum. It was reported earlier this week that...

Finally: Arab affirmation: PLO Speaks out of two sides of its mouth

For the past seventeen years, since the inception of the Oslo process, the passion of this news agency and research center has focused on dissonant PLO messages - the contrast between the PLO message...

Review of First Screening of FOR THE SAKE OF NAKBA Published on June 10, 2010 Hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are sunk annually into the coffers of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), an...

Israel on Canadian college campuses; an up-hill battle

Presenting the human side of Sderot, Israel and the western Negev would seem innocuous enough, as it is the only region in the western world where rockets and missiles target a civilian population. The...

Hamas Imposes Islamic Dress Code On Students

With the commencement of the school year next week, The Middle East Newsline has confirmed that Hamas has imposed an Islamic dress code on female students.Hamas announced that female students must wear Islamic dress...

Olmert’s Strategy For Annapolis Summit Revealed

On Sunday, October 28th, 2007, following the weekly Israel government cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert dispatched cabinet secretary Oved Yehezkel and his official spokesman Yaakov Galanati to brief the press about the...

Olmert’s Strategy For Annapolis Summit Revealed

The Israeli government did not expect to reach any agreement with the Palestinians at the summit and that that the "only thing that would happen there would be declarations,"

Condi on a Learning Curve About Abbas?

During Condoleezza Rice's three-hour meeting with Mahmoud Abbas last week in Ramallah, she reportedly "employed a threatening tone." A Palestinian Authority official said that "We've never seen her in such a bad mood." Later at...