bedein unrwa - search results

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What They Are Actually Teaching Kids in UNRWA Schools and Summer Camps

The precursors for the October 7th massacres began 75 years ago. Beginning with approximately 700,000 Palestinian refugees from the original War of Independence of the state of Israel, refugee status has been passed down...

Researcher has sounded alarm for decades about hate in UNRWA camps

Palestinian children in U.N. Relief and Works Agency camps, mere yards from the border with Israel, talk in a video about killing Jews and returning to their land. “The actions of Hamas match the...

David Bedein reveals who is against shutting UNWRA and it’s Israel

Revelations of UNRWA’s involvement in Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror came as no surprise for David Bedein, head of the Nahum Bedein Center for the Near East Policy Research. He’s been documenting the evil...

UNRWA school students in East Jerusalem say ‘stabbing Jews brings respect for Palestinians’

"I am ready to carry out a suicide attack" is what a student at a UNRWA school in East Jerusalem says to the camera, in a video filmed in 2022 by the Bedein Center...

UNRWA:s politik efter kriget.

Den schweiziske diplomaten Phillipe Lazzarini, chef för FN:s hjälp- och arbetsbyrå kommer nu att möta en ström av påtryckningar från givarnationer att genomföra en genomgripande politisk förändring i ljuset av kriget. Detta berör särskilt UNRWA:s...

Złóżmy pozew przeciwko UNRWA w Hadze

UNRWA wspiera terrorystów, kształci dzieci na terrorystów i pozwala, żeby w jej obiektach znajdowały się oddziały bojowników i wyrzutnie rakiet. ONZ ponosi za to odpowiedzialność, pozwalając, aby to trwało. UNRWA nie ukrywa faktu, że jej 30...


With American/Israeli investigative journalist David Bedein, who produces, the best source available on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). David is the author of “UNRWA: Roadblock to Peace,” which gives a concise...

Action to be taken against UNRWA

David Bedein  0587222661                          January 2024 TAKE UNRWA TO THE HAGUE   UNRWA does not hide the fact that its 30,000 workers act as soldiers  at war...

UNRWA Mandate to Relocate Palestinians outside of Judea, Samaria and Gaza Under the...

By: David Bedein Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss The US State Department has  ​denounced a  proposal ​that Arabs dislocated from Gaza be settled elsewhere: However, what the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA teach in their schools in Judea, Samaria, Gaza is that Arabs...

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research appears at the Israel Knesset 3pm to 5pm...

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research appears at the Israel Knesset 3pm to 5pm Israel time on Thursday, January 4th,  invited by the Knesset Foreign Relations and Security committee to screen our movies which show how  UNRWA trains armed UNRWA...