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A Moslem Condemns the Use of Children

Almost eight years ago, when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with Yassir Arafat on the White House lawn, most people in Israel and abroad expected that Arafat would form a new Arab...

The Continuing Cooperative Relationship

More often than not, when you hear a news report of an Arab terror attack in Israel, the news reporter will say that this attack was the result of Islamic extremists, whether they are...

Does the New PLO Entity Recognize Israel?

At a staff meeting in September 1993, our news agency, whose purpose it is to provide continuing factuql coverage for the foreign media, made a policy decision: to find out firsthand how the new...

“Radwan and Me: A Personal Perspective of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation”

Summary Three weeks ago, this writer requested an interview with Radwan Abu Ayyash, the Chairman of Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (P.B.C.), in Ramallah. P.B.C. is the parent of Voice of Palestine radio and Palestine television in...

Understanding Arafat as a Media Strategist

There are many ways to describe Yasser Arafat, but whether one tends to call him a "politician," "statesman" or "terrorist," any fair estimation of Arafat would have to call him an "Egyptian intellectual." Arafat studied...

From Bastion of Balance to Defamation of Israel

As a matter of policy, ADL's office in Jerusalem had always fought to cope with any media coverage of Israel that would reflect any hint of either anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism. The ADL office in Israel...

The Scenarios of the Palestinian State in Formation

An elder statesman of Great Britain in the late eighteenth century, Sir Edmund Burke, reported that he was often asked why he would not support the French revolution. After all, Burke's colleagues noted, he had...

The Israeli Elections

Bang! A starting gun shooting blanks. The candidates are off and running in the Israeli Knesset sweepstakes. Nine of them have taken the field thus far, on the track for would-be prime minister in Israel. Israel's...

The Habit of Hatred

Israel charges that the level of incitement in the Palestinian media and the education system is sowing the seeds of the next conflict If you look for it, you'll have no problem finding it --...

Why the PLO Covenant Annulment Means Little

The high point of President Bill Clinton's middle east mission - his participation in the Palestine National Council meeting where he witnessed the PNC annulling the PLO Covenant by a voice vote - may...