Tag: Cities


Masks hide and disguise a person’s true intentions…writes Michael Kuttner. Whether physically covering someone’s face or more often than not concealing their real agenda via clever deceit unless unmasked, the end result can be disastrous...

Visiting Ramallah

​ Our revenge will be the laughter of our children”; painted on a wall inside of the “Hostel in Ramallah.” (Lilia Gaufberg) This past July, at the peak of another sweltering Israeli summer, I hopped onto...

The Palestinian textbook problem

On what values does the Palestinian Authority and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school system raise and educate generations of students? Dr. Arnon Gross, formerly a senior Arabic language broadcaster at Voice...

Editorial: UNRWA reform, and a new beginning

For some, the thought of President Trump’s decision to withhold $65 million in pledged aid to a United Nations agency that provides food, housing, and education to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza...

The 20th Century Cleric Behind the 21st Century Hate

Against the backdrop of spiking anti-Semitism on both sides of the Atlantic, the Simon Wiesenthal Center released its annual Top Ten anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel list. Beyond #1--the Nazi March in Charlottesville, which thrust the new generation of homegrown US...

Just when you think you have heard it all

It seems there is no limit when it comes to covering news about Israel and Jews. This week in particular has served up yet more examples of the absurdities we face…writes Michael Kuttner. International Holocaust...

Going up?

Marsha Stein is a retired former college professor who lives in Natick,Mass. , near Boston, and also in Netanya, Israel. Often there’s only enough time for my “elevator speech” when someone asks me, as a...

Trump’s Iran ultimatum has startled the European Union

The White House is blackmailing the Europeans to stop them from allowing themselves to be blackmailed by Iran · By Matthias Küntzel On the 12th January, Donald Trump, in his long awaited statement about the Iran...

A call to bring the facts to the UK about UNRWA

The British government has announced that it will renew funds to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/240995 The UK has not placed any restrictions on these funds, which means that new UK allocation...

Tunnel vision…writes Michael Kuttner

Tunnels have been in the news recently. Whether it is underground structures designed to bring terror to Israelis, infrastructure dug deep into the earth providing revolutionary transport between cities or our “peace partners” losing their...