Tag: Gaza

True colours

It is at times like these when one can discover who is genuine and who is “missing in action”. This is not the first time that Jews in the Diaspora and Israel have faced a...

The Modern Dilemma

The Hamas war is Iran's war against the modern world. It was long-planned, but the trigger that set it off was the blossoming of Israeli "normalization" with the Saudis. The cartoon asks if the leaders...

I Negotiated Israel’s Hardest Hostage Deal. Here’s What’s Next in Gaza.

Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier, had been a hostage for five years before Israel and Hamas were seriously willing to work toward his release. That was 2011. I had been pursuing secret back-channel communications...

The involvement of the ‘uninvolved’: Gaza’s population actively abetted Hamas in plotting against Israel

Some 20,000 "uninvolved" workers from Gaza used to enter Israel every day until the slaughter. They did so for months and months. They worked in the communities of the Gaza border, in Sderot, and...

New Poverties Conferences

Dec 2019 Jerusalem: Biologic, Economic, Environmental …and Ethical Challenges Local, Regional, and Global  March 2023 Jerusalem: Updates from First Conference Elihu D Richter CR 2023 presentation final black

Regavim Documents Palestinian Authority’s Fervent Support for Hamas Massacre

The Regavim Movement publicized a catalog of official Palestinian Authority expressions of support for Hamas, including calls for donations, encouragement for Hamas terrorists, and calls for active participation in confrontations with Israeli civilians and...

UNRWA urges for the protection of civilians across the Gaza Strip: Not one wordo...

With a very heavy heart, I am called to share with you the Official Statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, on today’s tragic developments in the Gaza Strip: “As Gaza remains under heavy bombardment with...

Letter to Hendon MP – re BBC fail to use terminology TERRORIST

I wrote to you on the 24 May 2021(see attached) regarding the Dyson Report and the Balen  Report of 2004 in to the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of facts and asked what steps HM  government...

It’s time to take off the gloves

On the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War the enemies of Israel and the Jewish People chose another religious holyday to launch their version of the final solution. Like the Amalekites who attacked the vulnerable...

Worse than Nazism: It is Babi Yar All Over Again

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Hitler taught the Arabs how to slaughter Jews, yet it can surprise us that the Einsatzaruppen’s chapter in Gaza City could not find a 50-foot deep ravine to gun down the...