Tag: Middle East

The Fall and Rise of Judah

Now it came about at that time that Judah was demoted by his brothers, and he turned away until to an Adulamite man, named Hirah. And there Judah saw the daughter of a merchant...

Remind US Policy-Makers

A guide to NGO’S at the UN at war with Israel

A GUIDE TO NGO'S AT THE UN  AT WAR WITH ISRAEL- -  TWO ORGANIZATIONS FROM ISRAEL INCLUDED; BITSELEM AND PEACE NOW On 29 November, B’Tselem published an article calling on the international community to clarify red lines that Israel must not cross again,...

Bashing Israel by Moshe Zimmermann and Moshe Zuckermann Disguised as Academics

Hebrew University German History Prof. Emeritus Moshe Zimmermann and Tel Aviv University Sociologist Prof. Emeritus Moshe Zuckermann have been very busy lately. First, their book Thinking Germany was published in Hebrew and German earlier this year. The book...

Hiring Lawyers

A UN refugee agency has been perpetuating the problem of Palestinian refugees | Opinion

The current crisis opens a golden opportunity to fix that aberration, at least in Gaza. Originally published on The Boston Globe While the war in Gaza, prompted by Hamas’s heinous attack on Israel on Oct. 7,...

United Nations’ Bigotry Towards Israel: UNRWA Anti-semitism Poisons Palestinian Youth

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5nLrK9Ixqc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fdd.org%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title Full written testimony Introduction Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Wild, and distinguished members of the subcommittee, on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, thank you for the opportunity to testify. The United Nations (UN) was founded...

The Two-State Solution in the Palestinian Authority’s Schoolbooks

By : David Bedein Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss  (November 2023) US President Biden has stated clearly that he expects  a two state solution to emerge from the aftermath of the Israel-Hamas war. To understand the implications of a...

From DeNazification to DeHamasification

The seeds of indoctrination and incitement are planted from a very young age, from cradle to grave, which fuel violence in our region, particularly within jihadist Islam. To counter this, it is essential to halt...

NYT report reveals details of Hamas headquarters under Shifa Hospital

Hamas began constructing its headquarters under Shifa Hospital, Gaza's central hospital, from the moment the organization took control over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the New York Times reported on Monday, citing eight former and current...