Daily Archives: June 16, 2002
Palestinian Authority Official Rejects Idea of a Provisional State
Yasser Abed Rabbo: Special Ministerial Committee to Present 100-Day plan to President Arafat -
"Any declaration of a Palestinian state before Israeli withdrawal effectively consolidates the occupation and the present status quo"
June 15, 2002
Palestine Media...
The Fence on the Green Line: How Ridiculous
"This has no political significance," the wolf told Little Red Hiding Hood, "it's just a security fence, a barrier on the seamline to stop terrorists, just like the one in the Gaza Strip." Nonsense.
Dr. Yossi Beillin: Israel’s Shadow Foreign Minister? To Whom is Beillin Beholden?
On June 2, 2002, Dr. Yossi Beillin called a rally to launched his new movement - "Shachar", which will undoubtedly represent a continuation of Beillin's activities in the ECF - the Economic Cooperation Foundation.