Daily Archives: July 18, 2003

Fighting the Effort to Demand that Israel Free Murderers

The international community, concerned with strengthening the position of Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen, is urging Israel to release Palestinians who have murdered Israelis. There is something terribly out of balance here. Both a lack...

Briefing with Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee

Yuval Steinitz was a Professor of Philosophy and a Peace Now activist. In 1994, when he saw that Oslo was a disaster, he did a great deal of soul searching and joined the Likud...

Syria, Egypt Trying To Protect Terror Groups, Israeli Lawmaker Says

Both Egypt and Syria are making efforts to protect terrorist groups and their infrastructure from the global war on terrorism, an Israeli lawmaker said here. As part of that effort, Egypt did its utmost to...

CMIP Briefing:The latest Palestinian Authority School Books – Hardly a Curriculum for Peace

The new report of the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace, just released, represents the fifth time CMIP has done a review of textbooks used by the Palestinian Authority. In the early years...