Monthly Archives: November 2003

Why Do News Agencies Question Security Checks for Journalists in Jerusalem?

Israel Government Press Office Director Danny Seaman is asking for security checks on all journalists -- whether or not they work for bona fide news agencies. For that security check request, some news agencies...

UNRWA Commissioner General Peter Hansen: A Profile of Unprofessionalism

In a recent interview with The Jordan Times, UNRWA Commissioner-General Peter Hansen said, "I challenge to produce anything I've said that's been one-sided or unbalanced." As the only nongovernmental organization exclusively mandated to...

Update on US-Saudi military cooperation

U.S., SAUDIS PREPARE FOR BOLSTERED MILITARY TRAINING ABU DHABI November 12, 2003 -- Saudi Arabia and the United States are completing details for an accelerated military training schedule for 2004. The U.S. Defense Department...