Monthly Archives: February 2005

The Cease Fire That Wasn’t…

Following any negotiation, when the principals do not come out and meet the press at the end of an event, that is an indication that no agreement was reached. Avi Pazner, acting in his capacity...

Which Means that Canada endorses the “right of return”

The following joint press release would seem to the untrained eye on middle east matters that Canada has just endorsed an the innocuous and harmless "Arab peace initiative",which had been initiated by the Saudi...

PBC Radio Describes Death of an Infiltrator as “Having Died a Heroic Death”

Muhammad Abbas's firing of three Gaza security officials has been seen by Western observers as one of several steps by Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen to show he is fighting violence and calls to violence,...

Half of Released Terrorists Return to Terror

With an Israeli government ministerial committee set to decide which Palestinian terrorists to free as a gesture to Abu Mazen, a new study shows that half of released Arab terrorists return to commit acts...

USAID Releases $2 Million for Women Entrepreneurs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 18 January 2005 Press Office: 03 511 4846 Email: < a> Ramallah, West Bank - The American government is releasing $2 million to the "Palestine for Credit & Development" organization, FATEN, to support micro-finance activities...

Incitement in Today’s Mosque Speeches

(February 4, 2005-1330 Jerusalem/6:30 a.m. NY) The official Palestinian news media today broke Mahmoud Abbas's promise to halt incitement to violence and hatred in the course of radio and television news programs as well as...

Fighting Israeli Jewish Settlement Activity in the Negev

Another 1,200 acres of Bedouin crops in the Negev are destroyed this week. Is this Ben Gurion's dream, to 'make Israel's desert bloom'? Hundreds of soldiers, border police, tractors, helicopters, and horses awakened the winter...

Should Legal Action Be Brought Against ‘Ichad’, Which is Funded in Part by the...

First Israeli peace group to call for sanctions, and the first Israeli group to support the divestment campaign against Israel. The question remains: Should legal action be brought against the ICHAD organization? Should...

A Tale of Two Rallies

On Sunday, January 30th, two rallies took place in Jerusalem, both of which reflected the tragedy of Israel's policies towards the PLO. The first was held at 3:00 p.m. on Gaza Road in Rehavia, where...