Introduction to the Constitution

The Essential Principles of the Constitution


* The Movement’s Essential Principles * Goals * Method


* Organisational Rules and Principles


* Membership * Types of Membership * Requirements of Membership * Obtaining Membership * Rights of Membership * Obligations of Membership * Continuity, Suspension and Cancellation of Membership * The General Conference * The General Council * The Central Committee


* Areas * The Area Conference * Requirements of the Area Conference


* The Movement Leading Organisations * District Conference * Requirements of District Conference Membership


* The Movement Base Organisations * Obligations of Base Organisations


* Penalties


* General Stipulations

Dear brother, comrade of the struggle:

This movement is a patriotic and historical responsibility which we all must shoulder honestly… And let’s inspire all those who are faithful to Palestine with this concerted, patriotic deed… We all must confront critical times, and tolerate mishaps patiently… We all must sacrifice ourselves, our effort and time; these are the weapons of honest patriots.

Don’t, therefore, dear brother bring your march to a halt!

Proceed in your march, armed with the patriots’ resolution, the true believers’ determination, and the fighters’ patience… Our people are in need of every second after our case has taken that long… Let’s not forget for a while that our enemy is strong, and that the fight is fierceful and long… Consequently, determination, patience, confidentiality, commitment, and abiding by the revolution’s goals and principles keep our march unremittingly steady and makes our road to victory much shorter.

Proceed, then my brother, forward… to the revolution.

Long live Palestine, a free Arab state.


Introduction to the Constitution

The significance of this constitution stems from its being an application of the principles of our struggle, the pedestal of the Movement. It is also an expression of the Movement’s conception of its relationships with other movements and organisations, as it is the disciplinary framework which dictates and organises the relationships among its members in a way that maintains its path and the revolution’s future.

This constitution revolves around the following principles:

1. The armed revolution we are waging has been set into orbit by the principle that it is a public revolution, and not one of a distinguished class, and that the public is capable of practising struggle efficiently and conscientiously. The public is also the true protector of the revolutionary organisation. This organisation has satisfied the intimate relationship between the revolution and the public via the hierarchical structure of the Movement in which the public constitutes its solid, wide base.

With this view of the public’s role in mind, the role of t