Daily Archives: July 23, 2006

Hizballah And Palestinian Authority Escalating Anti-American Propaganda

Hizballah is now placing an unambiguous "bulls-eye" on the United States, calling America and its leaders state terrorists, and symbolically placing America in the same "enemy" class as "the Zionists" - Israel. "Here is the...

Why Were There No Air Raid Sirens on Nazareth?

Home Front Commander Yitzhak Jerry Gershon told government ministers: "The city of Nazareth asked to be disconnected from the system of air raid sirens because it interfered with them on remembrance days for IDF...

War Assessment Thus Far: Israel Targets 10 Villages In Lebanon

The Israel Army has targeted 10 Shi'ite villages in southern Lebanon where Hizbullah was believed to have stored thousands of rockets. Israeli Military sources said the villages were located within three kilometers of the Israeli...

Responding to Editorial in Editor And Publisher Which Lambasted Israel for Bombing Beirut

As the bureau chief of a news agency that helps reporters cover both Israel and Lebanon, I am surprised that Greg Mitchell neglects to mention that the Hezbullah organization has stationed its troops in...