Daily Archives: August 15, 2006

Hizbullah Fire Paralyzed Israeli Units: Anatomy of the Battle with Hizbullah

The 20 soldiers from Israel's elite Golan Brigade moved through the darkness over the rocky hills of Lebanon until they arrived at the outskirts of this Shi'ite town that until last month contained 35,000...

Help the People in the North_ Focus on their needs and Demand Accountability

Following the unprecedented 3800 missile attacks on Israel's civilian population, the UJC is launching a $300 million dollar campaign, there are people in need and there are bonafide service organizations who need direct assistance...

Commentary on Cease Fire, Day Two

Difficult to know what to begin with, or how to descibe the lunacy I am observing: -- Lebanon my be on the verge of making arrangements with Hezbollah regarding the confiscation of weapons: Hezbollah would...

Israeli Government Sends Mixed Messages To Media

Israel's top military brass told the media that the Israeli media had achieved its goal, which was to "weaken Hezbollah" so that a political process could be facilitated - for the U.N. and the Lebanese government to enforce U.N. resolutions which state that Lebanon must disarm all foreign and terrorist troops from its soil.