Monthly Archives: September 2006

Text of Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s Speech During “Victory Rally” in Beirut – September...

Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah has addressed in person a rally in Lebanon in which he stressed that the secret to the "victory" of the resistance was that it depended upon "reason, planning, organization and...

Israeli Intel: Assad Favors Another War

--"We think Assad and the Syrian military were very impressed with Hezbollah's ability to fight from urban areas and our unwillingness to hit civilians," the source said. "We think the Syrians will adopt this model."--Israel Continues To Acquire Bombs


Syria, buoyed by Hizbullah's success against Israel, has ordered his military to prepare for a regional war with the Jewish state. The Middle East News Line has confirmed reports from Israeli intelligence sources which assess...

Egypt Goes Nuclear?

The regime of President Hosni Mubarak is now ready to acquire nuclear reactors. Indeed, the Egyptian Energy Ministry intends to discuss nuclear energy facilities and technology from a range of countries, including China and...

Will Olmert Team Ignore the Quartet Double Cross – with US support?

"The Quartet welcomed the efforts of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to form a government of national unity, in the hope that the platform of such a government would reflect Quartet principles and allow for...

Danger of “Democracy” in Palestine

The tradition of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, which falls this year on both Saturday and Sunday, is for Jews to engage in reflection, prayer and in communal religious introspection. One year ago this...

Taking Time On Rosh Hashanah

One year ago this week, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, President George W. Bush exuded a clear, unequivocal appreciation of and commitment to Israel. On that same occasion, President Bush called for a democratic state of Palestine to be created alongside Israel, as a way to foster peace in the Middle East.

Buffett Personally Visits His Israeli Investment

Buffett was a businessman who had never stepped foot in Israel, yet gave the Israeli economy an unexpected vote of confidence. The shrewd investor calculated the profitability and the potential of a leading Israeli enterprise, which led him to invest $4 billion to acquire 80 percent of the shares of the company.

A Message of Accounting for Israel in the New Year

Tomorrow night begins Rosh Hashana. This is a time of accounting. We are bidden to do a heshbon nefesh -- a spiritual accounting. As a people, as well, we must do that accounting. Now especially,...


When Israelis think of business people from the USA, they often conjure up images of fast talking ambitious go-getters from New York or Los Angeles. Indeed, during this reporter's 36 years in Israel, it has...