Monthly Archives: April 2007

Hamas Launches Missile Attacks On Israel’s Independence Day

Hamas, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, took responsibility for launching more than 80 missiles into the Israeli communities that border Gaza during Israel's Independence Day, which this year was observed yesterday, April 24. Hamas claimed direct hits on the city of Ashkelon, located just north of Gaza.

Nasrallah’s Deputy: Negotiations Only For A Prisoner Exchange

The two would only be released in exchange for the release of all Lebanese prisoners imprisoned in Israel, including the murderer of the Haran family from Nahariya, the terrorist Samir Kuntar. Israeli officials confirm that there are indeed significant talks, but say that a breakthrough is still far off.

World Surprises Israel And Recognizes Hamas Government

One of the cardinal assumptions of Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was that the world would not recognize a government headed by Hamas. She had been proven wrong, because Mahmoud Abbas has successfully sold the idea to the world, since he is the figurehead leader of that government.

Israeli Troops Kill Leading Bomb Maker, Another Terrorist In Nablus

During an Israeli army arrest operation on Saturday night in Nablus, Tanzim terrorist Amin Mahmoud Amin Lubadeh and Islamic Jihad terrorist Fahdel Muhammad Mahmoud Nur were killed in exchanges of fire with IDF forces during an attempt to arrest them.

Iran May Be Fueling New Palestinian Missile War On Israel

The Middle East Newsline reports that Israel's military expects the next war to include intense rocket and missile attacks on the Jewish state, which will emanate from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Authority. "We experienced...

A direct hit during the “ceasefire” – detailed report from Sderot

At 8:30 p.m. on Saturday night, April 21st. 2007, less than an hour after the Bibiyen family finished the Sabbath with the traditional blessing over the spices, wine and a candle-- all the symbols...

Russian Teens of Sderot Seek Peaceful Boston Summer

Sderot in southern Israel has been hit by more than 1,300 Kassam missiles since Israel pulled its civilians and soldiers out of Gaza in 2005. Seven People have been killed by these missiles. There is no...


Official Palestinian Authority broadcast media have sharply increased anti-Israeli propaganda in recent days, including explicit and implicit calls for suicide attacks on Israeli civilians and kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. "Oh, Lord, martyrdom is for...

Israel Remembers Their Tragedies One-By-One

This coming Sunday marks Israel's memorial day, when the Jewish state marks 22,645 Israelis who were killed in battle or murdered by Arab terrorists since the genesis of the State of Israel in May 1948.

Iran May Be Fueling New Missile War On Israel

Widlanski quotes a source in Israeli intelligence, Brig. Gen. Shalom Harari, who estimates that 40 percent of the various Palestinian organizations were directly funded by Iran.