Daily Archives: October 13, 2014

World Lawmakers to Present Hanegbi With Resolution to Investigate UNRWA

A group of 20 parliamentarians from Israel Allies Caucuses will present Deputy Foreign Minister Tzach Hanegbi with a signed resolution Tuesday calling for an investigation of UNRWA following the discovery of weapons in UNRWA schools in...

Anti-Israel Petitions Signed by Israeli Academics

Goldblum authors a desperate plea, to which Liel also gives his name, for other Israeli ultra-leftists to join their anti-democratic measure to circumvent peace negotiations and create a belligerent Arab state in the Israeli...

Israel’s Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean

About 90 percent of Israel's foreign trade is carried out via the Mediterranean Sea, making freedom of navigation in this area critical for the Jewish state's economic well-being. Moreover, the newly found gas fields...

Kerry Cairo remarks: Assume that PA might prevent rocket firing but NO DEMILITARIZATION

Remarks at the Gaza Donors Conference Remarks John Kerry Secretary of State Cairo, Egypt October 12, 2014 http://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2014/10/232896.htm Thank you very much, Foreign Minister Shoukry. Thank you Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; Vice Prime Minister Mustafa; our...

High level conference in Cairo: USD 5.4 billion to Palestine (Noregian FM: success contingent...

#1 Press release, 12.10.2014 Gaza: Clear requirements by donors http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/ud/press/news/2014/Gaza-Clear-requirements-by-donors.html?id=771227 ‘The Gaza war this summer shows that the cycle of violence must be broken. Fundamental steps are needed to open up Gaza and generate growth and development...

The Significance of the First Hizbullah Attack against Israeli Forces since 2006

 Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 14, No. 33       October 12, 2014 For the first time since the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Hizbullah claimed responsibility for an attack against Israeli forces –...

IDF Chief: ‘We Won’ Gaza War – but Experts Question Claim

TEL AVIV — In keeping with the somber introspection of the Jewish high holiday of Yom Kippur, Israel’s top military officer went public last week with rare soul-searching accounts of the recent 50-day Gaza...

(Recording) Yossi Beilin: PA must give deadline to Hamas to disarm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrlKG9I25Z8&feature=youtu.be In a live interview broadcast on the 7 AM morning news hour program on Israel Radio Reshet Bet today, Yossi Beilin said that it is critical that there be a single armed force of...

Essay: Gaza Tunnel Threat More Severe Than Thought

TEL AVIV — A few months before the outbreak of Israel’s summertime war with Hamas, I was invited to join Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Israel Defense Force (IDF) chief of staff, for on-site briefings...

Yossi Beilin: PA must give deadline to Hamas to disarm, trade only bodies for...

In a live interview broadcast on the 7 AM morning news hour program on Israel Radio Reshet Bet today, Yossi Beilin said that it is critical that there be a single armed force of...